1. As you can see from the screenshots the Department of Justice told me that I needed to go and seek Services elsewhere because they didn't find any merit and anything that I sent them on any occasion that I've sent them. Just goes to show how much the DOJ and the FBI run hand to hand causing all the terrorism in the country as well as police brutality, police corruption, please intimidation by allowing the drug dealers to pay them off to go out and do heinous crimes on the general Public whether receiving compensation fee as well as being paid by the federal government. Just makes no sense that all these agencies can't do any investigation or any find any merit in anything that I've stated but how everyone in this world can see the corruption and the justice and the civil defense of the United States of America! There are all 100% fraud and have been for 60 years now. They Have committed treason!

  2. I have a Case that involves Police Brutality, Corruption Intimidation and the list goes on and on. This case involves Yvonne Shreves, Children all 36 of them. Where murdered and desert hot springs before Christmas of 2020 my ex-wife was shot in the back of the head

  3. hey chili I emailed the judge in Clark county. I called her out on her constitutional lack of knowledge. and I told her she needs to quit her job because she violated your constitutional rights. I'd take it to federal court and sue her ass and get her fired

  4. I want to personally tell you Chile that you've given me hope❤ and I'm so glad of all the work that you have done please don't let them get you down in there I'm so sorry that you have to be under the Las Vegas satanic Justice system, God bless you chili in Jesus Christ name amen

  5. I’m glad you bringing this awareness But my people are Black, these laws don’t applied to us in reality. These laws were passed when we weren’t even considered Humans so trying to enforce these laws under pressure is gonna get more of us killed in the process.

  6. Im sorry you going through what your going through chille, just wanted to let you know the earth appreciates you buddy, you speak for those who had no voice. I know God has angels watching over you, the universe is protecting you man and chose you for this job. Keep it up brother but be safe while doing so… Love you man

  7. Im sorry you going through what your going through chille, just wanted to let you know the earth appreciates you buddy, you speak for those who had no voice. I know God has angels watching over you, the universe is protecting you man and chose you for this job. Keep it up brother but be safe while doing so… Love you man

  8. Shut up, Chilichild. Ypure the biggest liar in the internet tou lying jack boot prisoner. You show the whole video. You constantly cherry pick short sections of video that never shows the whole story. The probable cause was established when they were pulled over for the traffic violation. Punching or pushing doesn't matter, she put he hands in the officer while lunging from the back seat. Your stupid scam of a laminated piece of paper doesn't mean shit. Enjoy your jail time.

  9. I hear chille got himself arrested. Took a fine to jail time for starting that attitude with the judge.

    If he wasn't so sexist and racist id feel bad for him.

  10. Has anyone seen that YouTube channel called Fraudtorrium of cops making mockery of him being in jail? (Sorry horrible at spelling) their laughing at him.. all kinds of sh*t. Talking about "delete him"

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