Remember the Cop Who Arrested the Guy for Laughing? Lawsuit UPDATE

You’ve probably seen the “arrest for laughing” case that has gone repeatedly viral over the past few years. I’m actually the attorney on that case. Just yesterday the Court ruled on the officer’s motion to dismiss and request for qualified immunity. The officer claimed that flashing headlights to warn oncoming motorists was not protected free speech, and that he was justified in handcuffing, frisking and detaining the driver after he laughed at him. What did the Court rule?
Prior Update Video:
Prior Prior Update Video:
First Video:


38 thoughts on “Remember the Cop Who Arrested the Guy for Laughing? Lawsuit UPDATE”

  1. You've probably seen the "arrest for laughing" case that has gone repeatedly viral over the past few years. I'm actually the attorney on that case. Just yesterday the Court ruled on the officer's motion to dismiss and request for qualified immunity. The officer claimed that flashing headlights to warn oncoming motorists was not protected free speech, and that he was justified in handcuffing, frisking and detaining the driver after he laughed at him. What did the Court rule?
    Prior Update Video:
    Prior Prior Update Video:
    First Video:

  2. You have the officer on video and audio, speaking to dispatch or another officer: "he's flashing his lights at everyone warning them about the speed-trap, I'm going after him." That was the reason he pulled the guy over. That's an illegal stop! The cop illegally stop the driver! End of story. The cop should have his badge taken away.

  3. That cop should get a prison sentence I don’t really care how long just that he stays in general population for at least a year I don’t think it would take a year but just so any cop that thinks he could make it a few months never wants to do anything like this

  4. LMAO, the fact that something so stupid as "qualified immunity" exists is the problem, but in fascist USA you don't understand that, because you don't have education, because that is a THREAT to billionaires.
    No wonder USA is now full blown nazi.
    Good job every single republican of USA!

    "Three people are sitting at a table, one nazi joins the table. There are now four nazis sitting at a table"

  5. I messaged this officer on Facebook to mock him and he told me to come say it to his face 😂.. he’s an absolute clown show. He allows a troll on the internet to bait him into a fight. He’s known for being a dirtbag by the entire county.

  6. You know every cop in the country should have to go every month show that he’s put in a certain amount of hours of training on the constitution and all the laws and have to take a test at the end of the year when they add it all up he only should be able to miss Five or six questions because as citizens were expected to know all the laws all the time according to them, they don’t even know the first law, and if they can’t pass these test without giving the answers, and they gotta be able to be proven that these answers are not given to them they lose their jobs Maybe at the end of six months they should check it. I’ll guarantee you about 80% of the cops in this country will fill the test because they don’t know the first thing about the law. They don’t know the constitution they don’t know what our first amendment the fourth and the fifth amendment are.

  7. Justice would be: the clown with a badge not only denied QI, but fired, decertified, arrested, charged with false arrest, gross violations of constitutional rights, kidnapping, reckless endangerment, falsifying a report, convicted, and sentenced to prison. What he did was not policing. It was terrorism.

  8. It is called, "semaphore"..! Communicating through flashing lights to another. Just as being in the Boy Scouts taught me. I do this all the time. Talking to another driver hand free. I don't have any of the other drivers phone numbers to call them, to let them know there is a speed trap ahead. No different than the police talking on their radios with each other… 🤔🤔🤔

  9. But on Google maps there is an option to alert police speed traps? So is everyone that clicks on that obstructing? Same thing with black tinted windows saying it’s illegal because it can impair the drivers vision and blind spots, but it doesn’t affect police officers vision right? GTFOH.

  10. Well officer you lost qualified immunity… but here is a consolation prize, big ol bag of southern fried icks withe capital D, brother. My unrelated brother from a ugly mother. HAHAHA I am so laughing at you, sir… AT YOU! and your agency.

  11. As a jurist, NY v. TRUMP verdict 400 million dollars with no victim, no damages, yet government tried to bankrupt a citizen. In this case there are both, 500 million dollars, and officers loss of pension given to victim

  12. Know what's funny about the registration card not being signed??? It's stupid because if you sign your registration card and someone breaks into your house or car and gets their hands on it, they can use that to get a title in their name and steal your vehicle. Even NYS tells you to carry a photocopy of your registration with you and not the actual document. My registration has never been in my vehicle, only a photocopy

  13. Your channel should have more views. It is extremely disheartening that the masses will shrug off police abuses until it happens to them…smh. Great channel great work great video.

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