Same Cop Beat ANOTHER Elderly Dementia Patient | UPDATE

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41 thoughts on “Same Cop Beat ANOTHER Elderly Dementia Patient | UPDATE”

  1. 66 year old John Hardwick was arrested and beaten by the Danville (Kentucky) Police Department. Officer TJ Godbey punched him 6 times. As it turns out, this wasn’t Officer Godbey’s first time arresting and beating an elderly dementia patient.
    First Video:
    Part 2 Video:

  2. Reminds me of character Percy from the movie Green Mile, just MEAN. He's probably always preyed on the weak and helpless. Hes probably kicked a few dogs in his day too when he thought no one was looking. He needs to go to jail for what he did to both of those elderly men.

  3. Something isn't correct here…..He travelled 6.6 miles (2:59) with lights and sirens for 15 minute (4:21) that makes 26 mph, not 40 mph (3:07) .

    Also, regarding the BWC footage. Its stated that Godbey didn't have his on, but it would appear most of the cops had cameras but the one shown, at the start, only arrives after Mr Goode has already been beaten, tasered and handcuffed. Is that the only footage released? Or is the Department playing CYA?

  4. How can we prevent this? Is it better that people with dementia start wearing medical alert bracelets and then the cops can verify if people really have this condition? This is very scary and I have seen a lot of people with dementia get hurt by cops. I mean we will not give cops access to medical records, but would have to verify from a department that works with the law enforcement and would somehow not be in violation of HIPAA? It’s very scary how much these things happen. Not just for people with dementia, but people with other conditions as well. Or is this just lack of training because I have also seen a video where a cop saved a person from a drug overdose while driving a car.

  5. Their power comes from the unlawful property taxes levied on us at gunpoint.
    No civil rights lawyer (including this one) will stand up for our most basic civil right to own property.
    Take away unlawful taxation, and take away unlawful power.
    The "lawyers" are all in on it folks. This one, too.

  6. I literally hate this guy. He clearly has something very seriously wrong with him and as long as he's on the streets our Elderly and even potentially our Disabled are at risk of getting a beating from Officer badass here

  7. Cops have flashing blue lights on their uniforms now?! What for? Is this a stop or a rave party? Ridiculous!! And firing officers is not the solution. Their certification must be pulled! Fired from policing altogether.

  8. 'To protect and serve…' My ass…. 'To reign and torture…' sound more like it
    Take away badge, guns (and licenses), taser etc.
    No where near an (emergency) service function, and with this behavior (scanning breath several times with same tube in quick succession in the hope of a peak false reading (I'm guessing) _you see him doing it in the footage_) I don't even think he should be near a desk job as he might alter the data to suit the narrative he wants

  9. When is enough enough with this police behavior? Leave your ego at the locker room before you start working. I have said it before and I will say it again: this is the result of the education level the police receive before they are put out in the field. Probably it is too short, or the training is not properly conducted, or there are educational modules that are missing that are needed for more effective police work, or there are shortcomings in the evaluation panel that assesses whether a person is suitable or not to work in the police profession. This man is in the wrong profession; he is not a suitable police officer given the shortcomings he has. He should not work with or take care of people. He has shown that time and time again.
    This is human life they are gambling with.

  10. This man beats up older people. He escalates so he can abuse a weaker older person… when they are taller than he is. Notice that? Taller older men who are obviously confused. I'd like to see his other bodycam videos. People need to get those recordings, because I guarantee there are other abuses by this man, even if someone didn't file a complaint or lawsuit. I want to see his interactions with short people and tall people. I got a hunch. 😙

    Look at 06:03 when the blood-alcohol test comes back negative. The disappointment and frustration shown from him is obvious.

    "I'll tell you more when we get off camera." says everything we need to know about what that police officer thought about what Godby Did.

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