Serving Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit at Police Dept

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41 thoughts on “Serving Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit at Police Dept”

  1. What a bumbler this guy is! He is a "lawyer", supposedly, and yet he forgets necessary documents of this supposed federal lawsuit right at the crucial moment of serving them. Anybody smell a big fat rat?

  2. Thanks for the work you doing you represent and fight all of us Mr Castro , to my knowledge the police should be for ,if there is a fire or there is a robbery, or if vehicle brake In a bed spot on the road if someone call for heart attack etc.but you know, they pull over anybody ,and they enjoy showing their power looking to fight with citizens, that' all most of them are good for

  3. What's even more ridiculous is when police go to court they get paid overtime. Not only are the taxpayers fitting the bill for their mess up if they have to payout in a settlement, but the taxpayers are also paying the cops to attend court for their mess up.

  4. I had a rotator cuff surgery 3 days ago and im mostly in agony but when i hear "they're beta-males, weak…" a smile just creeps onto my face. Thank you, DL, for everything. And HEY!!! You probably already do but if not, always keep a backup camera going constantly, bro, we cant have anything happening to you because you KNOW these tyrants are praying for a camera malfunction so they can do the dirt they normally do.

  5. You are doing all of this videotaping and showing papers and evidence while driving a car? Shame on you!
    You could have stopped somewhere, made the intro, and then drove to the station.
    I believe in what you do, but do it SAFELY!

  6. always staple the complaint, proof of service together………….judges don't care. and it is correct to file the matter at a federal courthouse. not a state. state courts are too corrupt a.f.

  7. MAN I HAVE TO CROWD FUND just to start a lawsuit? You can't just file the non-payment Long form? —

    Like, how are homeless people, or just LOW INCOME people ever supposed to FIGURE ANYTHING OUT.


    I thought you had to file it electronically — and than have someone else serve it for you.?????

    PLEASE can someone answer this?

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