The 5th Amendment; Your Most Powerful Right Is Your Right To Remain Silent; The Cop Card Is Out Now!

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28 thoughts on “The 5th Amendment; Your Most Powerful Right Is Your Right To Remain Silent; The Cop Card Is Out Now!”

  1. Im currently trying to learn more about the 14th amendment where it states that we have the RIGHT to travel in our personally owned automobile without restriction, being about to move our property from point A to point B , it can be a horse drawn carriage or automobile, we have that right without needing a drivers license. It falls under our right to enjoy life ( that's not word for word but you know what im talking about)
    Im afraid to travel to the store or pick up my chikd from school because in the small town im from … All the police, mayor, sheriff, rich people are all in with each other and the cops would grab me up and throw my ass in jail. They do NOT take you to a majesty.. you go straight to jail AND the judge ALWAYS takes the cops side here.
    I dont believe here in paintsville ky… They would EVER acknowledge your rights. Even our own sheriff laid off deputies and had his state cop budies patrol, pretty sure thats illegal.( Thats here say BUT… The state police are on our backroads every day i see it. Sitting there scanning plates on the side of the road) State police shouldn't be patrolling these backroads all the time, especially to help the sheriff not have to hire more deputies if thats what they are doing and thats we are seeing here everyday , Just cause the sheriff use to be a state police dont mean its right.

  2. ammmmm i dunno… but this 4 eyes guy said at the first…. your being arrest thou… you can ask why you being arrest in the first place. if you did not commit a crime? wtf his advice is bs! its another world what his talkin… wtf!

  3. Hello: my name is John Spurlock. Here is something that I forgot to mention on that other cop auditing show where the good host talks about the problem of "People in our Society always giving-up their Rights every time a "New Law comes-down the pike": like this 25 feet law to a cop's traffic stop, but it is crazy that we just comply every time a new law illegally goes into affect which is Unconstitutional obviously to hopefully everybody now that is in the right mind of course. But We've unfortunately have complied with this idea of open containers and not being able to have an open beer and drinking it on our drive: heck my stepdad during the 1980.'s always had his beer with him and it was perfectly legal under our constitution to do so until these crazy laws makers tried to create a new crazy law. Don't get me wrong I am not recommending that anyone drive while drunk: not ever, but I was always for moderation in everything. Also Blood Alcohol "Resistance Levels" is the key to knowing whether 4 or 5 beers will make you feel like you'll need to pull over and rest, of course iif you do then that is an obvious sign that you'll need to sleep it off. Anyway no cop is going to take ma anywhere especially if I have a beer in my car because that is just unconstitutional, and cops do not have a leg to stand on if you drink a little bit of alcohol. And cops are supposed to use their common sense, and if they do have any sense, then they should be able to see whether a man is drunk or not. But they have no right to try and arrest anyone for just drinking a beer: what the heck are we coming to in our country anymore. Anyway I mentioned other laws that we never had in the 1790's at all. All of these laws are just new made-up laws. Nevertheless Professor Kent Hovind of Creation Science and he is online here. But he used to say that "It is Not ther State's responsibility to Recommend that everybody must show a valid driver's license to drive. Now I think that you should have a special license today to drive dangerous equipment, but al least everybody ought to be able to drive and automatic car, and it should be legal to drive with a license period. Also other laws and ordinances should not be the law of the land. Special permit though for dangerous chemicals, and you do not have to be a rocket scientist to see that, or understand that: it is just like giving a monkey in charge of dinomite: not rocket science. Our laws are crazy: just look at the 1906 video of 1906 Sanfransico and see how good people got along with one another. This is the way things should be today and I wanty to fight to get back my independence in my life that our founding fathers wanted us to have, and not this tyrant runned gov. Just look at the world we're living in today is this the world you want to live in, well not me.

    Anyway Are problem today is we are living under this self-appointed Chronic problem of Hitlerism: the following of Hitler by soluting this tyrant's system. Look this world wasn't like his originally. Our founding leaders wanted us to pursue happiness, and even Kend Hovind will tell you that. Look at all of these laws like Inspection laws, Insurance laws to drive a car is crazy — just crazy. But we just roll-over and play dead ever-time someone tells us to move, or you can do this or you can't do that. Well my gun or any weapon I choose speaks from now on in my life for me. I the old west police respected people because they got shot if they messed in where they don't belong: so cops respected people. Just look at old westerns they reflect how most things were anyway, and should be. Get this solute Hitler stuff out of tyour mind and become a real American instead of pretending that you are living under some other flag.

    I though beleive that the Elite Globalists are partly behind our constitution erosion though, and Clau Swobs can't bring-in his crazy 4th Reight in this crazy idea of destroying our country. Look our leaders have lied to us about the war in the Ukraine and naturally these very sick people go along with it though unbelievable to me. They tried to trigger a nuclear war with Putin. They also tried to kill us with covid but wee very unsuccessful with it so far. Also the war with china fell through too. These leaders that our in Washington are working for the Gl0obalists as well. Fake News like George Stephenopilous and other fake news outlets work for the elite globalists, and they lie to you to spin a false narrative like the one in the Ukraine. And there are not too many real news news outlets today anymore because it is lie-after-lie-after-lie. The globalists have a nuclear shelter and that is so they can hide there like cowards just is case they are able to pul-off somehow their crazy plans of killing millions of people in the future some time. We have to quit giving in to these tyrants though that is for sure.

  4. I love your videos but don't feel I need to pay for card. I can't afford it anyway. I have been extremely abused by rogue cops. I'm disabled and they hurt me. I ended up with a TBI due to the abuse! Please don't charge me for the card

  5. If we are learning about the Constitution then we are Constitutional Scholars and what do you not get about that? Are you setting a value on institutionalized Scholastics as the only people that could be in a school of thought and philosophy? You would be putting too much notion on that instead of even schooling yourself on the Constitution and its values of more rights and never less or a limit to those rights.

  6. How about standing on the bank of a river recreational fishing harming no one and DNR comes up and starts asking questions like they do ! Catch any,look in your cooler,got a permission slip ?

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