1. They only CARE when it's a white person. They don't beat up white people as frequently as they beat up black ppl. Just look at how they treated Tyreek Hill compared to how they treated the white man who tried killing Trump at the golf course. Not a single mark on a man who wanted to kill a ex president.

  2. We constantly see "Officer of the Year" up on felony charges as they're still a monster.
    4 cops in Baltimore said to a young man "What are you afraid of? We're the cops." The next week all 4 had been arrested for things like murder, drugs and ripping off dealers.

  3. Oh no! Not an INTERNAL investigation! Oh my word! INTERNAL investigation? Cops checking up on cops? This dude is TOAST! I’m sure his fellow pigs wet him down at the bar later that night and celebrated the INTERNAL investigation.

  4. Deuteronomy 28:50

    β€œA nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor shew favour to the young:” Yes, Caucasians are THE BIBLICAL EDOMITES, READ IT IF YOU FEEL BRAVE TODAY

  5. When cops are afraid of a camera and violate their oath to the US Constitution and your 4th amendment right by kidnapping you, illegally searching you, you know those cops are corrupt. When internal affairs take months to investigate a simple violation like this, they are trying to work with the district attorney and judge to spin, another word for lie, and use time to get the community to forget about incident so when they conclude the dirty cop did nothing wrong, no one is around to hear their lie therefore no outage.

  6. The chef says Reframe from drawing conclusions and the officer needs More training. How dose someone that gets officer of the year need more training! for what ? to learn how not to get caught and to be more of a tyrant and a disgrace to law enforcement. And then to hold judgement until the full investigation is finalized which means until we the police department can figure out a way to dig our way out of the hole we are in and to figure out a way to lie and trump up some false charges on the minor which is the victim so we can continue to do and act the same way without taking responsibility for our gross misconduct.

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