TYRANT reveals himself during the #Audit Downtown #Denver. Solid Audit.

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50 thoughts on “TYRANT reveals himself during the #Audit Downtown #Denver. Solid Audit.”

  1. @ :36. The officer is full of shit. There's more support than ever. People are done with the overreach, lies, deception, brutality, unaccountability, ego, .. that law enforcement have over mostly good people. Qualified immunity needs to be removed and personal liability for any injustices and laws broken that they make.

  2. Chille, tell the cops that they should be spending their time find the ones that are taking children and doing unspeakable inhuman things to children then hurt people just trying to make an honest living.

  3. Disagreeing with you on the whole description of what policing derived from. If you are a law scholar, which you are, then you should know that Policing was designed as a means of control over slaves and Black people. The origins of modern-day policing can be traced back to the "Slave Patrol." The earliest formal slave patrol was created in the Carolinas in the early 1700s with one mission: to establish a system of terror and squash slave uprisings with the capacity to pursue, apprehend, and return runaway slaves to their owners. If you’re going to educate someone make sure you give “all” the facts.

  4. He thinks people like DPD?? He must not be from Denver… Citizens see them as one of the most organized bunch of criminals they've ever seen. People leave Colorado and never look back, abandoning family, children, everything to get away from these guys just so they can live a normal life without giving their money to the system because of the threat of prison hanging over their heads. I left Colorado in 2007, and guess what?? I get to live life without being arrested and having court dates and paying them money that belongs to my daughter. They treated me like a criminal there. Now I;'m just a regular person who can easily stay out of jail and live life!! Couldn't do that in Denver!! Denver and Jefferson, Arapahoe/Douglass treat everyone like criminals. They'll find a reason to lock up people who film them too. I've seen it happen. Colorado needs a gang of cop watchers working in shifts 24/7 . That's the only way they'll ever even care to look at the laws they constantly break. I know 2 of them who even treated their wives like shit until they got busted for it. They have no checks and balances, they like it that way.

  5. That young cop is delusional if he thinks more civilians are on the cops/governments side. There is such a massive hate and disconnect as cops keep earning the hate more and more in North America that we actually are afraid of calling cops before the moment they show up they always escalate the situation .. and yes the ones that are for them are either boot lickers or sheep. But are unaware that cops aren't their friends, they should know that back the blue until it happens to you, they will learn this quick !!!!

  6. It’s really good to see someone that knows the law and give these coppers lessons. It images me that many of these coppers don’t know the law and they are walking/driving around with guns! Keep up the good work young man. Love the show.

  7. I'm really sorry you officer but you are wrong people are either afraid of you or they're not liking you and it started when you flew that blue flag destination of the American Flag with that thin blue line you guys have bade yourself into a gang and now the public doesn't like it and there's been so much corruption it's gotten too crazy I used to be pro police but I'm not anymore and I'm an actual felon so what does that tell you

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