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  1. This guys channel is a nut and a cop hatter calls them pigs in open court then cry’s like a child when a judge sends him him to jail for his conduct. Then CALLS ON THE CALLS WHEN HES IN DANGER AND NEEDS THEM …

  2. So am I just a dumbass? (Don’t answer that) but what exactly is the problem with someone jumping on a train and hitching a ride to the next stop? Why is that illegal? I get sneaking on a passenger train and trying to get a free meal or taking up a seat that somebody else has paid for. I get in the old days sting away on a ship and now they have another mouth to feed with limited provisions. but jumping on the back of a Norfolk Southern and riding into the next town, what exactly is the problem?

  3. To be fair, a train derails it can have

    Toxic waste/materials (alot of useful things are made out of materials that start off as toxic)

    Normal goods like grain, fruits, veg and more, and now….increases food prices because all that is wasted

    Coal, Oil, Natural gas for power or fuel.

    Cars and Trucks that now are mostly either stolen or destroyed

    Mail/ packages and more FEDERAL OFFENSE

    And some passenger trains do carry freight such as mail and packages.

    Lets be honest. After the pattern recognition we saw stealing trains or people pushing others into trains just last week….is it strange to wonder?

  4. What in the heck is attached to his belt? 7 different boxes of arrogance? He is supposed to be a peace officer dressed in a SWAT team costume? We are paying for this level of stupidity?
    Why is he massaging his nipples?

  5. These useless and dangerous cops just stop random people on the street these days because they're trained to make up as many charges as possible against innocent people to steal their money because it's a lot easier than dealing with real criminals

  6. Lol chili doesn't understand what trying to arrest looks like. Cop asks questions, which he is allowed to do. Guy answers questions. Cop knows it is BS and warns him there are consequences for illegally riding trains. End of interaction.

  7. What actually is hilarious they ask you how are you doing today or how’s your day going when really they don’t give a fuck 😂 people like chille said always invoke your 5th no matter what Team DLZ

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