Video: Cop Threatens Victim | Sheriff Orders Investigation

Here’s a new West Virginia video I received out of Morgan County, West Virginia, showing an interaction between some young guys and multiple sheriff’s deputies outside a bar. What it shows is troubling, but not surprising. Details:

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NOTE: We don’t condone threats or violence of any kind. If you are upset or outraged by acts of government misconduct featured in this video, we encourage you to utilize lawful means of expression, including becoming involved in the political process, as well as seeking accountability through the judicial system.

NOTE ALSO: The information you obtain here is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. We invite you to contact us and welcome your letters and electronic mail, or other submissions or messages. However, contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship is established and documented in a written agreement.


48 thoughts on “Video: Cop Threatens Victim | Sheriff Orders Investigation”

  1. We need to stop these delaying tactics LEA's use by claiming BWC's can't be released due to "an ongoing investigation". Fine, if it's a criminal investigation, not fine when it's internal. Especially when it's as plain as day, right there on video, that crimes WERE committed, by their own.

  2. Wow. Just WOW. The VICTIM wants to go to the hospital, and the Cop actually threatened him ?!?!?!
    This guy needs to be taken off the force, and have his Creds pulled so he can't go to work two towns down the road. Unreal.

  3. The Mexican Race Pimp should be charged with attempted Racial Intimidation for uttering false accusations of biased treatment during an investigation.
    The race card is being played by "minorities" to the point of creating obstruction.

  4. This video really resonates. Growing up in the hood in DC, my brothers and I never called the police when we needed help or witnessed something messed up. Not because of some "no snitching" culture, but because by experience we learned that if we called for help or to report a crime, we were treated like suspects rather than citizens needing help or good samaritans reporting a danger to fellow citizens.

  5. did he happen to really have a broken jaw? really should be legal to defend yourself even if theyre police. i dont believe in anarchy but there should be a more direct and immediate way to deal with these tyrants. couldve died to his injuries.

  6. The story has a happy ending. The officer, Tony Link, was my next door neighbor until his wife started bangin a state trooper. Then he got all suicidal and no one has seen him around town since! 😁
    Swear on my life, true story

  7. How do cops like this get to keep their jobs? How are they not charged with assault? Especially now they are seen on video? And yet we hear time & time again these ticking timebomb sadists are out on the street with guns & badges and nothing is done until they seriously injure someone, or worse, kill innocent people?

  8. Prosecutors need to start going to prison for obstruction of justice if they don't immediately charge cops like this. Forget about the cops, start putting it on the prosecutors. It's kinda like if you're woman keeps running her mouth to me eventually I'm going to beat your ass if you don't get your hoe in check.

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