Watching “Fake” Cops Bust a REAL Fake Cop – Call in

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21 thoughts on “Watching “Fake” Cops Bust a REAL Fake Cop – Call in”

  1. if you think about it its cops and judges just like the ones chillie just delt with that put innocent people in jail like the guy in this video that did 42 years its insane thats wy there needs to be a 3rd party checking these cop cams and these judge videos otherwise innocent will go to jail cops will get promoted for doing wrong and real criminals will get out early because no room in jail also when jails are full criminals sometime get lesser time a slap on the risk

  2. Read the declaration of independence!
    Or listen to the audio of Someone else reading it.
    Our country is literally founded in disobedience to unjust laws.
    It's not only our right, but in order to call yourself a true American.. it's your OBLIGATION!
    Read the paper that declared your independence.
    It's the first thing this country is based on

  3. @Delete Lawz hey, chile was not told to move 55 ft,chille said he wouldn’t move his feet. Chile was behaving like a spoilt 4 year old and now he is sniffling like a spoilt 4 year old and like the 4 year old he is bad at acting.its time you old men grew up!

  4. There are definitely good cops.
    And there are definitely good laws.
    The big problem with laws, is mostly how they are passed.
    I'd have a hard time telling you what's wrong with police, without making it more of "what's wrong with humanity"
    Especially when you consider half their job is enforcing laws passed terribly.
    Cause it's not entirely law enforcement. And those who police that way, are part of the problem.
    Cause de-escalation, aside from those heat of the moment, fight or flight moments, de-escalation should always come before and even during, law enforcement.
    I've had at least 3 officers, on 3 separate occasions tell me "there's usually a difference between what I'm allowed to do, and what I know in my heart is right"
    Good people can only do so much good, when working for evil.
    It's a gang, because it is designed to be a gang.
    When they declare war on drugs, they declared war in Americans

  5. This is a case of "Rights" vs Power.

    And unfortunately for the United States, Power won.

    Which basically means, there is no United States. It means "whoever has the bigger gang, makes the rules"

    So a person should feel obligated to hide or have the biggest gang.

    Cops are merely the catalyst. Tomorrow police will meet the bigger gang.

  6. Everything you're spewing is out of context. When a LEO says "if I was a normal citizen I wouldn't know this wasn't an official police car" is not a slam on citizens. He was stating that in the sense of if the fake cop pulled over any random person they would not know he was not a cop. Context man, context.

    Thanks for your knowledge, John!!
    Robert, I couldn't agree with you more!!
    Brian, you are indeed a pillar, if not the tent pole of this community!! You have proven yourself to be a man of honor and the kind of American that we should all emulate!! If you weren't so busy fighting evil, I'd ask you to be my daughter's Godfather!! Thanks for everything you do, Brother!!

  8. Chili did not do Anything wrong?The officer did not have the right to arrest him in the first place and he.The officer violated the supreme court ruling that we can video and take pictures of all government officials in the course of their duty

  9. Why would they need a warrant? He broke the law. A detective looked i to the case. The PC was that he impersinated a police officer when he stopped the car. They did not violate his rights. It's very clear why he is being arrested. He turned to walk I side where he can grab a gun. So they arrested him.

  10. "Those guys" can also mean the people he is highlighting in his video. "They" Is what he means by the soverigns that in the video running from the police and trying to ambush them. It does not necessarily mean every single soverign on the planet.

  11. 1:40 the caller is right , the attorney messed up , and Chille needs better council.

    They can create such a legal mess so fast you won’t even know what hit you. He now has a bunch of pending cases , and sitting in Jail for 6 months on a misdemeanor.

    I pray he gets proper council and you can help him Brian.

  12. (fake story) you have 20 rookie-good cops & ONE bad-apple sargeant …. he says your job is to give out $500 speeding tickets because we have a monthly quota….your job is to make 30 arrests per month because we have a monthly quota !! …. YOU NOW HAVE 20 PIGS !!

  13. If there is an ordinance preventing a person from giving homeless food, then it is illegal for a person to give homeless food. That's pretty straightforward. Chilichild deserves to be in jail.

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