20 thoughts on “Will They Ever Learn?”

  1. Losing respect? Because of their inadequacy in lack of knowledge of the constitutional rights of individuals there is no f**** respect. They might get some people to obey out of fear but that's not the same as respect which also stops them from getting support. This is why sheriff's are voted or chosen for their position not just giving a paycheck 8 hours of practice with a firearm and a gun in a costume. America is falling apart because of corruption and they are the ones enforcing the corruption. Well they had to do is work with you

  2. They won't answer your questions because they know it's illegal. LEOs have abused the authority to lie. They lie so much, THEY start believing it aw truth/law!

  3. I seriously don’t understand the point of refusing to provide an ID. I know people think it violates their rights, but for crying out loud, it’s a piece of plastic. All you have to do is give it to them, wait for 5 minutes, and you get it right back. And if you TRULY aren’t doing anything wrong, then you won’t go to prison, the case won’t make it past the court of law. And fines can be waived since 99% of the time the officer won’t show up to court if you fight it, so they’ll just waive it.

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