1. Law and lawlessness almost one , just have to know how to dish it out everybody can use guidance not all of us need punishment . Still . Mess with grandma and find out your having a good day . ❤

  2. Idk about that but i agree to protecting people rights being aggressive doesn't solve anything but cause people to get agitated and im not gonna like pissing off someone with a gun isn't a good idea even if its a police officer because they're ppl to and ppl can have bad days.

  3. Did you know police get a bonus for how many people they pull over. It's unlawful.
    It does seem like government/politicians look for any and all ways to try to gain money from the population. Like once they gain an idea it goes straight into law, no thinking it thru about what could happen as an out come.

  4. Sad because the police will make you think it is illegal to speak up; they break so many laws and harass innocent people and some are unaware of their rights when it comes to dealing to the police🤦🏾‍♀️

  5. I don’t know why this dude pops up on my feed, sure there are bad actors but don’t go out of your way to disrespect them. You don’t disrespect ems or firefighters do you? What about service members? What a crazy mentality to have.

  6. I just ID and ignore them they arrest you for any reason they want and after you bet the charge you out thousands of dollars my advice move out of populated communities and live where there is one sheriff and a deputy they create these crab pit community’s so they can make criminals and have a job

  7. Remember the hall monitors in geammar school? Well, they did graduate. They're now the roadside pirates extorting us and ignoring our constitutional rights. The kangaroo courts back them up. They hire them by the pound and low IQ level. He's a polite dumbass.

  8. Ya unmarked cars should remain unnoticed unless it’s an absolute life or death situation. Giving out speeding tickets is a joke, – but this you tuber is absolute insane and needs to chill out

  9. Bro. What's your motive for all of this? Seriously, why? Is it to make money? Or, are you another leftist promoting the breakdown of our society? I have reason to hate cops. Do you?

  10. My understanding is in the state of California unmarked cars can not pull people over. This does not apply anywhere else in the country as far as I know.

  11. 5 years ago I would've called this guy for being an extremist but after my experience with a certain police force in Georgia I'd say there aren't enough of people like this. They have very little training and too much authority with not enough accountability.

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