$12.6 Million Dollar Lawsuit for Unlawful Arrest, Search and Seizure

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00:00 Intro
00:40 Dropping Off Affidavits
01:27 Returning to drop off supplemental
02:02 Grabbed
02:26 Grabbed again
02:52 Manscaped
04:20 Detained
06:32 Open It
08:05 Search
09:36 Locked Up
11:00 Lawsuit
11:53 Final

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#Cops #LackLuster


30 thoughts on “$12.6 Million Dollar Lawsuit for Unlawful Arrest, Search and Seizure”

  1. Why isn’t body cam footage streamed live. Give cops a chance to loose the footage and they will. They shouldn’t be able to touch the body cam footage. It should go live to the PD.

  2. ** UPDATE ** Today makes 2 years since this incident occurred. Tomorrow would be the anniversary 12/02/2020. A lawsuit was filed by me (pro se) on 10/13/2021. All of the officers involved were name except for the big plain clothes (retired cop) who initially grabbed me in the video. I did not know his true identity at the time the lawsuit was filed.

    Upon discovering his identity, I sought to amend the lawsuit to add him by name. The City of New York objected, and argued that he should not be named. I argued back that he should be named in the lawsuit.

    Yesterday the court made its decision granting me permission to name Felix M. Salcedo as a Defendant in the lawsuit.

  3. It is almost unbelievable that all these cops are that stupid and don't know their job. They all need to be fire for incompetency and conspiring. They worked together as a group, charge them all as a group (gang Activity). They are no different than any other Gang on the streets of the USA. Not one cop there has the brains to stop this, disgraceful.

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