4 Years Ago- WCPO 9 I-Team investigation of the Tri City Police & Sheriffs.

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29 thoughts on “4 Years Ago- WCPO 9 I-Team investigation of the Tri City Police & Sheriffs.”

  1. Ironton Ohio Police corruption ➡️➡️➡️↙️↙️ youtu.be/vJrWZjYul5w
    Hanshaw and some pig goons caught on camera at the jail torturing a defenseless man in torture cuffs and tied down to a chair. Piss of bag pigs 🐷 🐷🐷🐷

  2. I think it’s the technology that you’re referring to is that the phones that were made for the Libyan government they are impossible to hack at the minute they turn it on to be even be able to start hacking it all your information goes to a backup location that only a person with a code can get to it and believe me it’s a tough code it’s a 16 digit code and it’s a little bit more than 2000 I believe it’s about $10,000 a phone but that phone then becomes an automatic recording device it takes pictures and listens anytime it’s on and you can turn it on from any remote location even with a ferret can climb cage or whatever they call it where it’s double layered and metal you can turn it on from remote locations to record things and they can’t. Apparently when you get that form back you have to send it back to this place in Olympia where they literally re-build the phone for you so that you can use it again otherwise it’s a brick there’s only is it is used as a recording device to send things to your remote location

  3. Where is Middletown? Channel 9 is not one of this Tri-state area's TV channels, unless it is brand new. I don't think Middletown is part of the Tri-state area, either. I was raised in the Tri-state, and I think Middletown might be in Ohio, but not in the same part of Ohio. Your title for this video says Tri-city, not Tri-state.

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