#501 Christy Rohn Struthers Court Date #Super #Intense

Christy Rohn is being railroaded at Struthers Court. Her lawyer almost walked her into a deal for probation for they even talked about it. He has since stated that his integrity is pure & without questions. We’ll find out

Let’s follow Christy‘s journey… This is video one in a multi-part series

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32 thoughts on “#501 Christy Rohn Struthers Court Date #Super #Intense”

  1. Now everyone did jump on the public defender when you know he probably has a ridiculous amount of people he is handling, Ive had a public defender before and I basically did my own case and had to burn down my public attorney to get the finger out the butt but this guy seems to have a lil heart because I’m betting 9 outta 10 of em would have said peace out getting tag teamed out the gate, you guys know I hate cops and the system but I’m free today from my rockstar attorney from maliciously being prosecuted

  2. So what about the fundamental right to travel not needing a license plate or driver's license or registration or even proof of insurance per supreme Court law case and several other lower case law on the same subject no need for a driver's license no need for license plates no need for registration and not even forced compliance for insurance so citizens have the right to travel to and from work and to and from the stores and churches and anyplace else they want to go as long as it's not commercial or for-profit like police cruisers taxi cabs doordash and everything else in between if you just traveling in your personal conveyance then there is no law no crime committed and they can't even get your ID or your name or your date of birth or your address or that would be a 4th amendment violation

  3. That attorney should be disbarred! He has a lot of nerve to say that he doesn't appreciate being accused of words being put into mouth when he has just been caught selling her down the river!

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