1. I'm glad we got rid of guns before it became an epidemic (like USA) but there is no right for cops to treat people like this in Australia or anywhere else. Yes we also have psychopaths for cops as well because who else would want to be a cop in this day and age unless you are unhinged? Simple as that people. Never ever trust a cop. American people must have the right to bare arms because it's gone too far now. You can never get rid of guns in America now. It is what it is unfortunately. That's why I'm glad I live in Australia now and there are only 0.000023 guns per capita. USA is 1.22 guns per capita.

  2. Any neck holds, whether its with an arm or hand, also any knees to the back or chest should always result in the cop being fired and banned from working with police or any security job

  3. And I've just passed a f**** luxury the federal parliament so that we can't use any sort of f**** foul language on YouTube or f**** any sort of media how's your media the fascist the Bible bash in fascists I mean the liberal party

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