Anti-Gun Lawsuit Against the WV Parking Lot Firearms Law Wins in Court – or not

In 2018, West Virginia passed a wonderful pro-2nd Amendment piece of legislation, titled HB 4187, a.k.a. the “Parking Lot Bill,” which took effect on June 8, 2018. The bill prohibited businesses from banning firearms from vehicles in their parking lots. It also prohibited the hiring and firing of employees based on their possession of firearms.

Bloomberg and his gun control lawyers have challenged the law in federal court. They defeated the WV Attorney General’s motion to dismiss. Here’s why, and and my take on what it means…..

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34 thoughts on “Anti-Gun Lawsuit Against the WV Parking Lot Firearms Law Wins in Court – or not”

  1. Had a friend get fired for this back in 1989. Funny thing was he was a reserve police officer in the city he worked. It turned out the company owner had gotten arrested for OWI. He knew the guy had his gun in the car. Called the police, issued a no trespassing order and fired him for having his duty pistol in the trunk. Since he was not a sworn officer on duty court sided with owner.

  2. This notion that a business can do what it wants against the bill of rights is bullshit. The idea that the bill of rights only pertains to government property is also bullshit. If you are in a person’s house, you don’t give up your right to search and seizure while on private property. That right extends on private property because it is an inalienable right. You don’t lose your citizenship or individual freedom when you step on another’s property. The whole meaning of unalienable has been lost on the courts. It is as if the most thoughtless people now interpret the law.

  3. If I understand this correctly, the gun control people are mad that their constitutional right to deny someone else's constitutional right has been violated?
    I hope someone notices this and brings it up in the court room.
    I can understand how a trespasser loses some of their rights while in the act of trespassing, but how or why should the the people that have been invited onto the property lose their rights?

  4. We the people have the power. Imagine a million man March on DC with every man armed with ar15. I guarantee the politicians would listen then lol then March on to Bloomberg's company headquarters. NOT A DAMN THING they could do about it.

  5. Don’t worry dude; if gun owners don’t allow sensible regulation of firearms I will just switch my support and make sure the 2nd amendment is destroyed completely. It will no longer be your civil right. Problem solved. Or you can be part of the solution and allow reasonable gun ownership. You look at a gun owner not being able to travel through the day with their gun. I see it as my right to a safe and non hostile work environment that does not threaten my person. When two rights conflict with each other laws must err to the rights that serve best the majority. One gun owner versus the rest of employees. I know you see it differently but that’s how non gun owners see it. I don’t care if a person owns a gun but when we sign employment papers we mutually agree to give up some rights for the benefit of the organization and for compensation in return. If the gun owner. Doesn’t like it there are plenty of other jobs. They have choice. That choice was not taken away. It was just limited for the benefit of the majority.

  6. Gun infringement only applies to individuals, citizens and persons who fail to make a reservation of rights under UCC 1.207. You are either a man or a woman and at no point were you taught to write your name in all capitol corporate designation. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Always, make a reservation of all rights. This is the remedy and recourse that is forbidden to be taught in law school.

  7. F1rst they came for the C࿌MM࿌NERS, and I did not SPEAK🗣out. Because I was not a   C࿌MM࿌NERS. Then they came for the ACTIVISTS, and I did not SPEAK🗣out Because I was not a ACTIVISTS. Then they came for the FREED࿋MER, and I did not SPEAK🗣out Because I was not a FREED࿋MER. Then they came for M€—and there was no one left to SPEAK🙊for M€.  Evils Government Exist Because Good People Do Nothing  & Turn Blind Eyes🙈 Like Nothing🙅‍♂️Happens Take A L👀k Around The World🗺 This Is The Results Of  Politicians Government [mind control] Is Doing. The 90% Of Peoples Think The Government's Is Their 👼Saviour! Government Are Here To Control🕹 Every Aspect Of Us, Like It Or Not Period. As You Can Witness Of What's Going Now! You Might Wants To ReEvaluation Your Own Conscion Awareness. The 1% Ruling Class Bloodlines Wants To control The WORLD🗺 The 4% Puppets Head👹Figure Are Sellouts Egoism Self Serve Appoint. The 5% Of The People Is Uplifting Humanities TRUTHERS, Wants To Wake Up 90% Of People Who're  Sleeping😴On Main Stream Media[MSM] Spells Propaganda Agenda21. Governments Is Not The Solution For People Problems, Governments Is The Problems For We The People. The truth at any cost, lowers all other costs. Politics is the entertainment branch of industry.  “The illusion of freedom [in America] will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” I don't have to tell you how evil this brainwashing is.  But I do have to remind you that mass media play these sorts of manipulative tricks on their audience, day in and day out.  With mass media, you are not the customer — you are the product.  Do your mental health a favor: Say no to mass media.Type in Google  US6506148 B2 this brainwashed patent number, it's no longer a theory or conspiracy it scientific & technology FACT: people have been on spelled since a toddler.
    Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it. If the jury have no right to judge of the justice of a law of the government, they plainly can do nothing to protect the people against the oppressions of the government; for there are no oppressions which the government may not authorize by law. So these villains, who call themselves governments, well understand that their power rests primarily upon money. With money they can hire soldiers, and with soldiers extort money. And, when their authority is denied, the first use they always make of money, is to hire soldiers to kill or subdue all who refuse them more money. "Nothing in this world operates the way you think it does. Banks do not loan money, governments are not empowered to protect you, the police department is not there to serve you, institutions of higher learning, colleges and educational institutes, are not there to educate you. The entire superstructure of civilization in the Western world is a combination of brilliantly put together and planned, well-planned, schemes to direct the minds of the people in such a way as to serve their masters.
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  8. Would be nice for a list of civil rights guyz like you for all 50 states. A national data base for civil rights defenders and develop an organization of civil rights promoters. WE MUST GET ORGANIZED. Thanks and God Speed

  9. How is ANYONE going to know if I have a gun in my car if I store it out of sight in a secure place? These kinds of "Laws" are unenforceable. Unenforceable laws breed contempt for the law. Here is an example: I don't care if there is a law that prohibits me from keeping my firearm in my vehicle, I am STILL going to keep my firearm in my vehicle. What are they going to do about it?

  10. correct me if, as a layman, i am wrong. But isn't communication between a judge and an attorney about a case that the attorney has before the judges court without opposing councils attorney present ex parte communication and against all rules, morals and canon of the judicial system?

  11. This is where there is a clear definition of the difference between a "Private" company and "Public Private" company! In a Private Company they can discriminate, but a Public Private Company can not! Very simply if you classify your business as PRIVATE, then you can discriminate all you want, the only limitation is the risk of going out of business because you possibly will lack clientele. Now in a PUBLIC Private business you are held to the same standard of PUBLIC RIGHTS!

    Again, it is all in the classification of what your company is!

    The "mask" mandate is another FLAVOR of this issue, the "government" does have the ability to ORDER you to wear a mask as long as it meets the tests of Declaratorial and Constitutional.

    But you can always challenge it based on the "Two Tier Test of Truth" (Is it BOTH Declaratorial AND Constitutional)

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