32 thoughts on “Are Cops Above The Law?”

  1. I had a problem like that with a Federal Way police officer.and he wanted proof that i was disabled, and iam sure he wasn't happy when he came out to find my Walker stuffed in his broken out windshield.

  2. Whatever the harshest ticket is an officer would write to a citizen that needs to be applied to them and doubled the reason I say doubled is they are not followers of the law they are upholders of the law. And law applies to everyone

  3. Police are not above the law and if they are that means the law doesn't apply to them so how can murdering a cop be illegal? No laws apply to Police. Only Police policy. Police policy doesn't apply to non Police.
    So you can't be charged for murdering someone that technically doesn't exist as for the law is concerned

  4. Hello im from Philadelphia. The Philadelphia cops decided to block all rds to enter 95 to mess people up for no reason. A small part of 95 is shut down because of the over pass but they decided to make matters worse and block all the other entrances to get on 95 . I asked why and cop said oh 95 will be open in couple of days with a attitude that if i ask anymore questions i will be arrested

  5. When a person goes through his or her entire “adult” life intentionally creating confrontations with police, this is the kind of video we get. One thing to keep in mind with these “Cop-Haters” channels, that attract the worst societal parasites, is that no matter how many of these channels exist, they only focus attention on a tiny, almost invisible sliver of the population. There are literally millions of police/citizen interactions every day, and these handfuls of complaints from slugs who's only purpose in life is to push the envelope with police don't even compromise a whole percentage point. And just in case you may not have noticed, it's ALWAYS the same group of life's losers who just can't seem to manage going through a day without some kind of police “problem”. Without having the police to act as targets for their stupidity and hatred, they would certainly all perish from sheer boredom and a lack of a constructive life. These same people, collectively, have a much worse batting average than the police they whine, moan and groan about. Perhaps they should decide to join those millions of other people who aren't doing whatever they can to be drawing police to themselves. Maybe getting a job would help. Maybe growing up. And maybe, just maybe, if the law enforcement community didn't have to deal with these parasites, our tax dollars would be put to much better use. It requires acting like a mature adult, so most likely it escapes their mental capacity. Act stupidly, collect stupid prizes.

    I think for your next “audit” why don’t you try walking through a thug-infested neighborhood with $100 bills hanging out of your pockets and see how well your right to “freedom of travel” holds up. Not man enough for THAT, right? Yea, didn't think so.

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