Arrested Visiting Her Mother | Cops Create Their Own Laws

Once again, the issue arises: can the police detain and forcibly ID a citizen who is in the process of voluntarily leaving a private business following a trespassing complaint?

Woman Arrested Visiting Her Mother | Cops Create Their Own Laws

The woman’s channel detailing the entire ordeal:

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47 thoughts on “Arrested Visiting Her Mother | Cops Create Their Own Laws”

  1. It really should be called unqualified idiocy
    How were these cops even deemed competent let alone qualified?!
    So ironic that the only ones who are allowed to be ignorant of the law, are the ones who enforce it…
    What a joke

  2. This is a huge problem in this country it gives somebody a badge and they overstepped their bounds every time and we the peasants of this country have to kneel down and kiss someone's A*** Keep pushing and we the people will fight back.

  3. The thing is that at this moment the mother is like a tenant there. So only the Guardian should be allowed to trespass her.

    The Nurse claims the guardian told them that the daughter isn’t allowed to see the mother, but I get a feeling that the daughter is just trying to proof they mistreat her mother…. So they might have lied to the guardian about the content of the pictures to get his approval.

    So they basically try to safe their own ass

  4. Staff have a key to the room, they were not locked out. Cops enforcing nursing home policies is an example of fascism.
    she does not have to give id she has not committed a crime unless visiting a relative in a nursing home is a crime.
    What's really going on here, this lady is at odds with a sibling, that is obvious.

  5. I also think the facility should have respected the guardian's wishes instead of "talking her into" letting this woman visit. They quickly found out the "why" this person wasn't allowed visits I'm betting. I just had to do this at the care facility after my Mom fell and broke her hip. My sisters were angry they couldn't visit, but Mom wasn't up to all their drama. Mom asked not to see them. Respect people's wishes, care facilities!!!! I'm thankful our care facility did.

  6. I was banned from seeing or talking to my Dad in a nursing home by my mom. My Dad and I were very close. He always said, "I can talked to Karen about anything." Before my mom put my dad in a home, she would ask me to babysit my Dad over the phone so she could go bowling and shopping. I never said no. He was a fall risk. My pastor tried to talk to my mom and the nursing home to no avail. The nursing home was very rude to me and my pastor. I had previously been out to visit my Dad in person without any problems. I think my mom was mad because my Dad wanted to live with me instead of being in a home. I had offered over the previous years to take both my parents in so neither one of them would ever go to a home. I was so devastated. I was fortunate because when I was visiting in person, a nurse there and I became friends. She would sneak a phone to my Dad so we could talk. I never told my Dad I had been banned. I didn't want to upset him. He later fell and hit his head. He died 2 days later. I was not told and so I missed his funeral. My mom even hid his death from her own brother because she knew my Uncle would have told me. My mom called me a year later and ask if I was mad at her. I said I was extremely hurt. I maintained a decent relationship with her until she died but in my heart it was never the same. I was there for her, I was always kind, and I helped her financially. But I didn't confide in her like I used to. In a way, I felt like our entire relationship had been a lifelong lie. The mom I thought I knew would never have done such a cruel thing. It still hurts. I never dreamed she would have done that to my Dad, too. So I feel sorry for this lady who wants to see her Mom and take lots of photographs because one day those photographs become priceless treasures. All you have left are memories and pictures.

  7. People that call the police (AND THE COPS TOO) that don't want things put on Facebook or TikTok or any other social media, need to remember all those cops are wearing body cams and they have dash cams and they're going to be famous…ENJOY!!

  8. Before he lies to you about a detainment and an arrest the point in law is any detainment where you're not free to leave is a custodial arrest and cops are required by their policies to mirandize their victims kidnapped under color of law.

  9. "Disorderly conduct" the law put on the books specifically to give cops the ability to charge you with "something" no matter what you do or don't do. This subjective standard bullshit has to go because it gives police far too much leeway to abuse the way laws are written and, given how things have continually deteriorated over the decades, you can't tell me it isn't intentional.

  10. When are people going to understand, there's a better way to deal with things than being obnoxious. Don't instigate, don't threaten lawsuits, don't argue. Just stay polite, professional, and composed. If at the end you feel like you were wronged, then take the appropriate legal action to rectify the situation.

  11. Remember, most cops have nothing more than a HS diploma, or a GED. They are far from the brightest members of society. Can you really expect them to understand the 4th Amendment? The problem is they face no consequences for being ignorant and no reward for learning to do their job correctly.

  12. Can CPS take your kids over a mother being in MAT when she gives birth and the baby testing positive her the mothers medication? That’s a rhetorical question, I already know that they’re not legally allowed to time cop a mom and take her newborn at birth over the Mothers STATUS in MAT when the baby only tests positive for that medication that was legally prescribed. Pro Se is very hard and so frustrating and yet 3 and a half years have gone by and I haven’t been allowed to take so much as a picture of our daughter ever since I reported the legal guardian (who became legal guardian without mine and my husband’s, of 12 years, consent too btw) to the police for making and sharing what is considered as, by definition, child pornography (or as the police report says, “pandering obscenity of a minor”, with criminal codes listed as well) and because of my report the caseworker (who had actually been dismissed from the case when we lost legal custody, thus closing the dependency case) who was on our case retaliated and told the visitation center that we are not permitted to take photographs and that they may not increase visitation at all or they would get held in contempt of court and go to jail. I just really wanted to comment because my life is hell and I’m being punished for a disability and I went and got treatment on my own prior to getting pregnant and I don’t even have a criminal record! I know nobody would ever help with my case, I’ve spoke to enough attorneys to know everyone’s too afraid of the state to help my family.

  13. The courts have ruled that a detainment is an arrest if you are not free to leave. Robbins v City of Des Moines.
    Court Description: [Erickson, Author, with Loken and Shepherd, Circuit Judges] Civil case – Civil rights. Plaintiff's actions in filming the entrance to the police station and engaging in confrontational behaviour went beyond any constitutionally protected recording activity; defendants' actions, when combined with the defendant police officers' knowledge of vehicles being vandalized and stolen in the area and their personal knowledge that a previous filming incident led to the murder of two officers, could cause an objectively reasonable person in the officers' position to suspect plaintiff was up to more than simply recording police; the court cannot say the officers' conduct was objectively unreasonable under clearly established law, nor in violation of the First Amendment; defendants are entitled to qualified immunity for the Terry stop they made because they had at least arguable reasonable suspicion given their knowledge of past incidents and plaintiff's evasive and uncooperative behaviour; however, the officers lacked probable cause for plaintiff's arrest and they are not entitled to qualified immunity on his claim for false arrest; under the facts of the case, the government interests did not outweigh plaintiff's possessory interest in his phone and camera; the warrantless seizure of the items violated plaintiff's clearly established right to be free of unreasonable seizures of his property, and the officers were not entitled to qualified immunity on this claim; no recognizable Monell claim exists as the evidence is insufficient to show the kind of deliberate indifference needed to establish liability.

  14. They put it in nice words about being detained, we will put these cuffs and then you will be arrested. CRIMINALS WITH BADGES AND GUNS. CRIMINALS IN ACTION AT THEIR BEST.

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