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Love this guy! ๐๐๐๐
I literally loled as the dude is going on and on berating the officer and then all of a sudden it stops and the other cop goes, "So you want a complaint form or what?" lol Unintentional comedy gold.
All pigs are filthy.
Damn Chilli your one force to deal with. I wish you all the
success in the world. Great job sir! Chilli Texas is still in the
Texas Rangers Area. A miracle, they didn't lock you up. Texas the racists and most corrupt state in the union.
You will never see such disrespect from a public servant, or any public employee, except cops.
That's retaliation. Plan and simple.
Remember that. They run the plates of citizens that file complaints on them. There fishing for a charge to stop you and arrest you so the make up charges so they can use it against you when they break policy or the law them selfs
I am not a You Tuber I am a game changer. Love it.
You'd better watch it they're already conshiring to give you felony charges?ยฟ???ยฟ?????????
They don't want to fix the sign. They want to keep writing $300 f**** tickets. Because they're revenue collectors, and that's it
Add roll p jurisdiction. They don't even have authority over us. It's ,,,,,,all ,,,,,under color of law
To protect and serve went away with the seventies they'd been tyrants since nineteen eighty
He can set you up with felony charges. And have you in front of a judge the next day? But to put a sign up takes forever
So the guy in charge is the master of deception
Yeah he's not a public servant he's a public subjugator
i love you chille
And to think our tax dollars pay theses not a servant to the protection of the people but a servant to put people in jail and. Make as much money off the public for their puppet masters
"Sunnyvale"??? No wonder they're all f'ked up.
They do not listen to the people who pay their salary. What a joke. I am your Boss.
I absolutely love how you talk to these outta shape cops.
Chille, ya missed the flag of the BLUE STRIPE gang.
Joe Magnets