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Luv you sweatea
Hell yeah screw them pigs. Denver Metro you tha man
K.m.draper is scared shitless i knows hes in the wrong
P.S. Locking that door with people inside working is a fire code violation that outranks them. Fire Marshall can lock that door faster than any other official with less real legal resistance than any others.
Colorado is terrible to testicles. If you are driving through even be careful, they harvest people's freedoms for bond fraud.
Thank you my heroes you the best United States of America citizens even better than this Nazi Gestapo Gerber Hitler socialist, marxist communists Stalin scycopaths POLICES they are the number one problems in America the ignorance cowards polices who follow corrupt people and not follow the United States of America constitution. Criminals POLICES.
Im not gonna appolagize for the fds holy shkt man
Any information to docket… They do violate people's civil rights; even prevent permanent disabled from Recieving Benefits in Violation of the Social Security Act, Security guards in NJ be violating 4th Amendment. They be asking for ID to Enter when NJ not stop and ID State. 18 USC 246
she just doesn’t stop yapping
Sorry Sweet t but shut up so we can hear what Chilli is saying to the cop ffs
Chilli, why aren’t you mentioning prior restraint? Is that not what it is when they turn off his camera
The fallen state Jesse lee Peterson get in touch with him go on his TV show get more exposure to the public
Chille, that's a good looking dog dude! I love dogs! God Bless you all for standing up for us law abiding citizens rights!
Thank you
So sad when black man and white lady/ sweetea auditors were first prey for older policemen
Wow how stupid can the police be about the right to video in public places ? All the police there should be fired .
Delete Lawz i have no money but if I
did i would donated as much as i could . You do a great job sir and we
depend on guys like you who fight for
our freedom.
That sherif is out in next election
No they are here to scamm a salary and benefits
End of the day its all about the money ….
People think they can do anything they like in base of their rite.. but not everything is rite because its rite its more then that …if they use their brain they know and ….their should be a law until 5 years of jail to the camera pigs who think they are better and smart.
That agency seems to be very incompetent after seeing there dumb ass conclusions…so f^# cking sad to witness……..
To be clear to some of comments…so called law agencies have branded themselves so badly myself wouldn't care if we have to eat shit to disrupt there ridiculous BS ….freedom is everything!!!!!!!!!………
Clearly non constitutional tyrant trash !!!!! So called law agencies is certainly a huge joke !!!!!!
Naturally 0.R. REASON is adding to his case of being jailed for prolonged period….everyone of them are common trashy morons !!!!!!!
Denver Metro is not a free citizen
I know where you can put your camera