
31 thoughts on “BETA MALE COPS: HOW TO HANDLE YO-SELF #Frank #Sloup #JBTP”

  1. I've had a cop come up and tailgate me on the freeway with literally no one else on the freeway in the middle of the night tailgate me super super close and I was well under the speed limit I don't I cruise I don't speak and he tailgated me so I sped up and as soon as I sped up to get away from him cause he was like a foot and a 1/2 to maybe 3 feet off my bumper so I spit app to get away from him and then he pulled me Uber for speeding and I told him he was endangering my life reckless driving tailgating and gotten to argument with them but Afterwards let him know that he is being filmed 3 ways plus my cell phone and then at that point he made an excuse went to his car came back acted like he was in a rush and then took off speeding

  2. I record all police interactions with all 4 of my cameras 3 that are built into the car well installed and my cellphone always always always always I've had more cops pull me over because they don't like my slammed Lexus and every single time I basically told them to shove it because they're full of shit Then ask you a stupid question do you you know why I pulled you over?, trying to get you to self incriminate! never talk to the cops let them answer all the questions themselves. you have the fifth amendment the fourth amendment the 14th amendment the First Amendment and the fifth amendment that help you keep safe from these fictional story maker tyrants.. Cops are allowed to lie to you they will never tell you the truth

  3. Do you know what's really annoying???? Having to watch the same video sound bites over and over….do know what's really fucking annoying????? Listening to the commenter repeat what the video bite said as well as repeating his own comments over and over, as if the commenter believes that the people, who take the time to watch his videos must be total retards, incapable of understanding what's being said the first time. Honestly, if someone didn't catch what was said the first time, they can just rewind the damned video. Instead we are subjected to listening to the first 90 seconds of video, for 5 minutes.

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