Big Update + James Sheets widow up in 20 mins – Premiere

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18 thoughts on “Big Update + James Sheets widow up in 20 mins – Premiere”

  1. Chille, I supported you for awhile, but no more. You need more knowledge and you aren’t studying. You are either an agent or just plain uneducated. At any rate, I don’t have time for you. I am unsubscribing, and not listening anymore.

  2. Constitutional Law Scholar? You don’t support CRT? You talk about supporting the concepts ALL the time. Why don’t you pick up actual text books, or take proper classes. All you do is ramble nonsensically. Your failures and incompetencies in your court cases shows you have no idea what your doing or what your talking about. I watch lawyers and trolls rip you to shreds daily. Why can’t you see what a fool you are making of yourself? And I won’t even begin to address your vision of the future, except to say “hey, who wants the job as the unarmed walking surveillance officer?” Masked gunmen and snipers will take them out WAY before any help shows up. Don’t you think these things thru? I can’t believe people follow you. Put the drugs down, forget about critical race theory and work on critical thinking. And a 12 step program maybe. Good luck weirdo. I’ll be watching from the wings (on other channels!)

  3. Love to know what changed your belief in God, I was born into the catholic religion and believed up until about 10 years ago when I was around 60, I no longer believe in God so would be interested what happened that made you believe.

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