Breaking: Federal Civil Rights Verdict


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38 thoughts on “Breaking: Federal Civil Rights Verdict”

  1. Any person wanting to be a cop has been targeted and they are just getting back at the people that bullied them in the past. Now these people have a badge and they're coming after you. This country will not stand for it the egos of these people are going to get these people killed they are wrong and they know they're wrong but that badge is a badge of a coward.

  2. Why do police assault women with their tasers? Probably for the same reason they commit domestic violence against their wives. I can think of two reasons. 1) They believe they're above the law and nothing will happen to them and 2) They know that their fellow officers will cover for them.

  3. "Shiela done called the police". These videos make me mad about so much injustice, but there's often something in them that makes me laugh too like "Sheila done called the police".

  4. Odd query in regards to claims. My experience from a corporate perspective is that under law of agency a corporation can be made part of a suit when the employee is following the entities directives and procedures. Many townships and police are chartered as a corporate entity. Has a claim ever been pursued under that basis?

  5. I live in Australia. We have issues too. Recently a 95 year old woman of petite stature with dementia was in her room holding a knife. Police were called to assist. The big burly cop, despite his female partner saying she could try and handle it, said "bugger it" and tased her a few times, causing her to fall and hit her head. She passed away a week later.

  6. I’ve been saying this for a while… this is why I think you’ll never have a serious candidate who earnestly wants to limit the power of police and zealously protect the freedoms we are promised by our government, who has taken the stance that we only have privileges that are supposed to be secured by the state (literally their ONLY job) usurping a monopoly on defending our rights while simultaneously being the main source of our deprivation of rights and lack of any reasonable remedy.

    I TRULY believe that the Democrat party is pushing for all this end of qualified immunity so they can just blame the officer and crucify the cop while the government that trained them, armed them, set the qualifications and standards, and put them out on the street and instructed them to arrest people is not at fault.

    That way, they can continue to funnel billions through the back door while they “defund” and “reform” and all that federal incentive money goes to policing contraband because of the profitability under civil asset forfeiture (another Biden invention) and not solving crime.
    So, they can take credit for making policing better when they’re intentionally making police police is the most ruthless and aggressive possible ways under the DHS/Patriot Act circumventing posse commitatus, and making the situation so desperate they will have “no choice” but to federalize the police, which they’ve already laid the groundwork for by making it impossible to have any remedy against civil asset forfeitures or crimes that federal cops commit.
    The Republican establishment has the same goals as far as a draconian Roman Guard, but do so by saying openly they support the police and then we end up fighting over which means we want to follow so that we can subject ourselves to brutality and tyranny.

    "He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance."

    "For protecting them, by a mock Trial from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States."

  7. But if that cop keeps messing up after 5 to 10 mistakes they get fired and cant become a cop ev3r again. This would weed out the bad people because this way the people of the town city wherever would know in real time that the tax payers money is going toward paying good standing cops that know there on notice and have no power over people

  8. Cops need a new training class and new laws need to be put in place and what needs to happen is a group of the public say 20 people from the city and this group new job to go threw all new police body cam videos from the day before. If a cops breaks the law and they see it then the next part is that group has the power to charge and have that cop who broke a persons rights put on none paid leave. Then that cop will have to go to a training again till they become a good standing cop.

  9. That is how these criminals opperate beet up women and children old men…just look at any totalitarian state these are the majority of deaths ans harms…im just suprized the supremes didnt get involved and absolving the state criminality which is usual for them since the constitution seems to grant more rigjts to the state over the citizenry at least that is what we are led to believe from their usual results…thugs always prey on weeker individuals you know for officer safety

  10. Accountability yes, but most of the cops that do this would never be considered a man in any way. It is easier to beat up, and tase older people, especially women. Proves that there are way too many cops who have significant mental defects, should not have a baton, a taser, or a service revolver. The taxpayers of the city has to pay up for this. Bad Cops are just Bad Cops, and that is what you have here !!

    The Georgia Senate passed a bill that would create a commission with power to remove district attorneys.
    Senate Bill 92, sponsored by Senator Randy Robertson (R – Catuala), would create an oversight commission for Georgia's district attorneys. The eight member panel could remove district attorneys and solicitor generals for a variety of issues, including refusal to prosecute certain crimes or physical or mental incapacity.

  12. Well, if they’re normal modern style woman nowadays, with her elderly or not, I mean, you know if she’s a Karen as much as I hate to see a necessary physical violence by police officers of the carry out all the time it’s real hard call for me I mean get woke get tased can I get Woco broke?

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