Bridging The Divide; The Best Convo Iโ€™ve Ever Had With A Cop #firstamendmentaudit #deletelawz #cops


50 thoughts on “Bridging The Divide; The Best Convo Iโ€™ve Ever Had With A Cop #firstamendmentaudit #deletelawz #cops”

  1. You can thank the supreme court for Todayโ€™s tyrannical thugs โ€œQualified Immunityโ€
    1967 Law that protects tyrants cops from false arrest and police brutality
    Any person who has a badge and gun is protected against Accountablity or Consequence
    The system is rigged

  2. So ask your self
    What do cops think about 24/7?
    If I were one it would be scenarios of gun fights and arrests anytime they see a crime
    Which is everywhere
    Now how often do they actually think someone is in danger knowing there actions are making a difference
    Are they ever thanked for acts of kindness
    You wonder

  3. I literally have a thin blue line magnet on the back ofy car because i am afraid thr cops are going to infringe on my rights so i put it there so that they think i am a supporter of thier sick gang in hopes they might not pull me over and harass me.

  4. The thin blue line is a atate sponsored gang of criminals. I always get a response of, "until you need them." I don't ever need them. I train and prepare so I don't need them. In a deadly situation, the good person is more likely to die after the cops show up than before if that person is trained to defend themselves. Cops don't like people that don't need them.

  5. Tyranny flag. Just like that red Union Jack. They don't love America. They hate it, and you. They want you dead so they can take your nation. Most of them are born to families that came here after WW2 to raise a 5th column for the crown.

  6. Despicable disgusting and unacceptable. The blue line drawn between we the people (us) & all oath breaking tyrants.
    A desecrated American flag, shameful Smfh. ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿคฌ๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿป

  7. People usually that are not doing anything bad have no fear a penny policeman yeah they're scary however not in control when you have the proper ID no fear no harm done let them do their job that simple.!!!

  8. LEGAL MAXIM: [Latin] Interest reipublicรฆ quod homines conserventur. โ— IT IS IN THE INTEREST OF THE STATE THAT PEOPLE SHOULD BE PROTECTED.ย  (Blackโ€™s Law Dict. (9th ed. 2009) p. 1839, col. 1.)

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