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Pinal County Sheriff's Office:
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I know that road. He was doing 71 in a 45. There are stop lights every couple miles, speeding like that can cause serious accidents, I know I've seen it.
This is one of the most popular, approachable, professional, nice gentlemanly cops on the planet. This person was a total jerk to him, if you watch any of the Many, many “Fridays with Frank,” you’ll see him cut deserving people a break. Too bad you did exactly what you accused them of, you “carefully edited” to make the policeman look bad..what a loser channel..
Millions of views but can't afford 200$ for records, lol, these people will believe anything lol
Congrats to this channel for sucking on that "Fridays with Frank" Views. Hope you are earning from the theft.
Imagine how this douche treats his family.
This driver is soo dumb just give your driver license
The citizen doesnt have right to know why hes pulled over, but he must provide i.d. immediately upon request when pulled over. Fight it in court if you think cop doesnt have probable cause.. lack kuster you dont understand the laws entirely, you take bits and peices to fit your narrative without considering supreme court rulings and lookjng at the big picture. F for you
This deputy is an ass
This narrator doesn’t even know how to pronounce Pinal County. Thank you Sheriff Lamb for keeping us safe in Pinal County. Maricopa County doesn’t protect their citizens like Sheriff Lamb does.
You can't even pronounce the county correctly. It's not PEENAL county. Its PIN-AL.
I'm on the cops side on this one. That guy is an annoying little bitch. Don't go almost 30 over and then act like an entitled little prick. I normally don't like cops.
Bunch of babies in this country. Is as easy as YOU messed up, be a grown up and deal with the consequences. Everyone want to cry “ its my constitutional right”. Everyone acts like if getting a ticket will change their lives forever. If you have any problems with the citation, go to court and express it there. But now a days every one wants to be cuddled for their bad decisions. Grow up people. Channels like this just make our society go backwards.
If this guy acts this shitty to people with a camera on him, how does he act when there is no camera. He obviously has anger issues.
It is channels like these that cause even more distrust in our law enforcement. I have no problem bringing to light law enforcement that abuse their authority, blatantly breaking the law. However, out of ALL the interactions officer Frank has had, you are singling out one instance you attempt to capture the officer doing something wrong, putting the blame on him, forgetting the simple fact that the guy pulled over was speeding.
Yeah this is a big miss for you. I’ve seen every single one of Frank’s videos and if you would’ve done more research, you would’ve known that what he did was lawful.
Sloup is actually very arrogant, it shows in his character when challenged. An officer of the law shouldn't get confrontational when challenged.
I love the channel, but this case was not really worthy of you, my man.
If you are pulled over for a traffic stop you 100% have to provide ID
I love your content and I can usually side with you on almost everything. Not sure in this instance. You usually provide a lot a research into the law and policies around a situation. Nothing provided here. The stop was lawful. If you are going to use the title "caught deleting evidence before trial", how was there a trial when the ticket was never filed? When was it deleted? You are leaving out details.
the reason this officer doesn't explain the reason for the stop is he knows it will seem and is, "totally unreasonable" to the driver , he does this intentionally to escalate ,hoping for a confrontation ,this is what it seems all cops live for
just writing mundane tickets all day is basically a job any high school dropout could easily do ,however he also has power bestowed on him as part of this job as well as a deadly force weapons, without any escalation these tools are a dead weight , and the ability to exert power becomes another unused tool , thus making the majority of his shift into ,
a burger flipping type job . If he can politely and secretly escalate there is a chance to use a weapon or become a hero for justice , or even more common is the desire to hurt people legally , This is why law enforcement jobs attract psychopaths , sadistic , and violent people
SO Any reason to escalate , is used to increase the chance to do harm
If psycho Frank Slop just told the driver the reason for the traffic it would remove the escalation , the need to assert authority the opportunity to use violence the chance to be a hero, and he is back to being a burger boy.
Well the citizen was the one causing Frank to say what he said.
Bro don’t be mad because someone loves their job and does it with passion be glad that he’s a good honest man your just soft
It was Nate who was a dick and set the tone for the interaction. Deputy Sloup is a fine example of what LEOs should be. Some people's kids, smh.
Don't want a "negative" interaction with the police, don't give them a reason to interact with you in the first place. Then, don't be a dick when interacting with them.
I dont like the cops condescending attitude, i see him online all the time, but the driver was wrong. I also think its funny how the condescending cop calls the driver condescending
Frank is awesome. Anyone who thinks other wise is an idiot.
I always letting the police know that I am going in my glovebox. They can get trigger happy.
Your video does not prove anything. The guy being pulled over was just another wanna be lawyer. No "evidence" was deleted. Just another bogus video.
Yup, started off as a dick when he could've just said "I am Frank and I pulled you over for speeding, I need to see blah blah blah".
It's called people skills and should be a requirement to be an officer that interacts with people… Do better Law Enforcement…
Yes – you do have to surrender your papers anytime you are stopped for a traffic violation. Driving is indeed a privilege, hence why you have a LICENSE to drive. A license has conditions – one of the conditions provided in LAW, in perhaps every single state, is a requirement for anyone operating a motor vehicle to present their license to law enforcement >upon demand<. On traffic stop your driver license and registration are not protected "personal papers". If "Nate" was just walking down the street, Sloup could not demand any proof that "Nate" is a licensed driver or has a current vehicle registration. But "Nate's" ass is in the driver seat of a car, and there was reasonable cause to accuse him of speeding. "Nate" was wrong right out of the gate, acting as if he could decide whether or not he had to present his license. He does not know "how it works", and apparently niether does Lackluster. And WTH? — There is a couple of years worth of "Fridays with Frank" videos. Find a video where he doesn' tell a driver why they were stopped. How many of his contacts don't cordially start with "Can I see your driver license, please?"…. "OK, well my name is Deputy Sloup with the Pinal County Sheriff's traffic unit, and the reason I stopped you today is…" It's like a damned script! Pretty much everything that fell out of "Nate's" mouth in this entire video was wrong, and there was nothing unprofessional about Sloup using a matter-of-fact tone in an attempt to prevent the "Nate's" BS dump.
Look at #officerSloup facial expressions while he speaks in a very cocky, passive aggressive tone while thinking of his self grandeur. IMHO all states should have a law that requires a police officer to IMMEDIATELY give the driver the reason for the stop. Watching thousands of bodycam videos over the years it is clear that this common courtesy has prevented ego driven escalation. Quick examples: If a cop pulls you over, walks up, and firmly says "Hello, my name is Officer Sloup, and the reason for pulling you over today is that you were doing 71 mph in a 45 mph zone, may I please see your license, registration and insurance." OR cop pulls you over, walks up, and with and firmly says "Hello, my name is Officer Sloup, please give me your license". Which one of those will get escalated on average? It has EVERYTHING to do with the way the officer approaches and speaks to the driver. Simple solution is to make it so that cops MUST tell the driver why they were pulled over and make this a law for every state.
The Deputy was 100% correct with everything he said and did. The driver of the car was a total fool. He tried to contest the citation in court but lost.
and lied about what happened in court.
My wife is the court reporter at that very court and she told me the details. The driver of the car has a criminal background and 2 months later he lost his license for going 103 mph. The narrator of this video is full of
This cop is an arrogant tool
A few good videos do not elevate many horrible videos on a channel. This is one of the horrible ones. Search and you shall find.
Hey Tony?
1/10 Wouldn’t recommend!!! Frank is a national treasure! Leave him out of this !!!
And you only got the 1 point because I got to watch another view of FwithF
The cop and the driver were both douches
The only arrogance is in the drivers seat of the police car. I read somewhere that this d-bag officer is on the Brady List (integrity issues). Challenge any report he writes or any ticket he issues
I’m glad ppl are sticking up for the officer in the comments