Consitutional Travel; Creating a List, Special guest @PaulUnslaved and @EgoChecker

Consitutional Travel; Creating a List, Special guest @PaulUnslaved and @EgoChecker


39 thoughts on “Consitutional Travel; Creating a List, Special guest @PaulUnslaved and @EgoChecker”

  1. Wow. You are the dumbest person on Youtube. You are the male equivalent of a dumb blonde. When God was making you and said “next comes the brains” you thought he said “trains” and you ran away. You are stupid. And you know nothing about the constitution or the law.

  2. I applaud mostly everything you all are doing. I don't agree with the language and disrespect. I am deeply Spiritual and when I hear things from peoples point of views with different degrees of disrespectful language or not, it brings Biblical scriptures to mind. This is where we are in society. Now I would like to point out that the so called peace officers are the world worst and they fit into this more than anyone that reads this; 2 Timothy 3: 1 But know this, that in the last days [a]perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, [b]unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

  3. The term sovereign citizen is a self-contradictory term.
    You cannot be both a 'sovereign' and a 'citizen' at the same time. Each term cancels the other out.
    You are either a sovereign or a citizen…..pick one.

  4. 🪰Nine college graduates having a black robe toga party

    🪰Published an opinion which has now for 55 years

    🪰Created the biggest crime family in America

    🔺OVERTURN ❌John W. Terry v. State of Ohio 1968

  5. Actually when they turn their stupid light show on, it's a custodial arrest, better have a charge of a crime also ITS UNLAWFUL TO ARREST FOR EXERCISING A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT, so ask why are you not notifying me of my maranda right, so say nothing, trade no info,

  6. Fact is we need a court to bring them to, besides maritime admiralty legislative law, this is not acceptable, why should we suffer a crime of intimidation,, physical harm!
    USC 18-242 to get to FIGHT BACK!!!!!!! A FEDERAL OFFICER TO ARREST FOR A FEDERAL CRIME! Ive been ganged up on so many times, 3 with ball bats once I got to fight back, these guys are terrorist by definition we should get to fight

  7. Utah arrested me on public land, then took me away, then stripped my van and towed it, and planted false evidence, made up charges, then tv court refused to recognize I the living man living lawfully on land and soil, then set court date on charges arrested for 290 days away then 30 days to court on the false charges,

  8. this needs to be put on the tri fold! NO DL REQUIRED! DL, plates and insurance is just another way they collect our money and keep us as poor as possible. They made cars and invented roads to drive them on and made us pay for them roads instead of the car company's who invented the product.

  9. This is why I am against ALL government law enforcement. 100%. They all need to be fired and if people want police they can start a company to do rights enforcement, because a private company wouldn't have any imaginary authority to enforce governments laws.

  10. I've been interested in doing this, especially since they started talking about the "real" ID in our state. It got put off indefinitely, but no telling how long that will last. I want to stop contracting with the government in all ways possible, including with the IRS.

  11. The driver vs. traveler debate has been towards the top of my list of interests for a solid 4+ years. I’ve heard very compelling arguments from both sides and to this day am completely undecided about who is right. That being said, I do hope the right to travel ends up being clearly established for all. So I support this movement

  12. Are used constitutional travel for the better part of 28 to 25 years. I had to use it because the state of California stole my drivers license from me because I was past due on the child support payment. They took my license from me because I couldn’t afford to make my payment and then by taking it I wouldn’t able to get to work and pay my child support payment so I became further behind so I did the research and found the constitutional travel printed up. Absolutely everything had a big envelope and I was pulled over many times and never cited.

  13. I won a case by just asking are you going to put me in jail for a none jailable offense,? On the record. I personally asked the judge and court. If I sign your contract are you going to put me in jail? The judge no Mr Kirkland I am going to put down you refused to sign. So she gave me my dismissal and grounds back and said go give these to the prosecutor. Two weeks objections . The prosecuting attorney filed his own dismissal and the judge granted it. But they denied mine at first. But it was dropped . No license .. no insurance just the crimes they committed and I shifted the burden of proof. And give them each a bill.

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