Cop City in Atlanta + Cops Steal $6K + Jason Dollarhide in Oklahoma Video:

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36 thoughts on “Cop City in Atlanta + Cops Steal $6K + Jason Dollarhide in Oklahoma Video:”

  1. That was in Oklahoma there. Not worth a crap with this Inhoft governor we have letting the police union do as Thay please to it's citacins it's crazy I lived here all my life and it's gotten nothing but worse

  2. There's no need for this type of police thing to abuse us citacins there becomeing Nazis now thsts it we must stop this communaty it's a out of control gang of thugs that are way out there Thsy abuse the pour is it

  3. Chillie!!! While the black populace has been abused; please speak to the abuse recieved by NATIVE AMERICAN persons since the advent of Emminent Domain!!! My great grandfather and grandmother both lost their spouses on the trail of tears on the way from ALA to OK. I'm very tired of hearing all the wailing !!!
    I'm not even claiming that abuse is not ongoing. It is daily!
    Keep up the good work!

  4. Watching this from Cameron NC, govt employee at Ft Bragg NC. But somebody got woked up an soon this world-famous post will be re-named Fort Liberty.
    Im almost 60 years old, and I appreciate what youre doing so much, Ive thought about going back to school to become a lawyer. GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU SAFE.
    As a former US MARINE, I took an oath. The same one these uniformed folks took but piss on every chance they get.

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