Cop Flips Out After Being Told “NO!”

St Clair Sheriff:

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34 thoughts on “Cop Flips Out After Being Told “NO!””

  1. St Clair Sheriff:

    Other videos shown in this presentation:

    Foot In Door 1:

    Foot In Door 2:

    Submit your video:

    Or mail it to:

    LackLuster Media LLC

    PO Box 514

    Chester, WV 26034

    Best Dashcam –

    MERCH –

    Gimbal –

    Camera 1 –

    Camera 2 –

    Radar/Laser Detector –

    – – Other Channels – –

    The Odd Side:

    LackLuster Clips:

    – – Social – –






    I receive commissions from featured links on verified purchases, at no cost to you.

  2. If you open the door and a cop doesn't have a warrant he's basically not allowed to enter correct? If he puts his foot in the door passed the door jam thinking he can stop you from closing the door isn't he actually entering the house?

  3. Uh that is strange! The cops clearly are one of two things, legit with a legit concern or a couple pedophiles. Seeing how nothing was produced as to a reason to question the child and the fact that the school, its coucilors, its resource officer and CPS had no involvement or complaint with the child this raises a HUGE RED FLAG with the cops! I think that local police department should be looking into a couple wierd cops! This is totally wierd and creepy!

  4. Handled absolutely perfectly. Even the f off at the end was appropriate, as the officer was up to no good,
    I will never open the door to the police unless I am the one that called them.

  5. See how they wouldn't answer when he asked if there was a call about his sons wellbeing, they know there has been no call, if cops wonder why people don't like or trust them its because of shit like this.

  6. A video..?…if there was really some kind of serious or sinister video/offence they can just turn up with child services and yes walk in no warrant and check that child . This isn't what happened tho.

  7. I think Brian was correct in how he handled the situation up until the profanities… he could have left that escalation out and maintained the moral high ground in a much classier way and showed his son that moral, mature men don't lose their temper so readily. I'm glad he had the awareness to video record the interaction. The deputy asking for his bar number was cringy/unprofessional and he should get reprimanded for it.

  8. Modern cops are nothing more than modern mercenaries, paid to do the bidding of their masters, and considering most government agencies of all levels are corrupt, it's not hard to figure out why these cops treat people so badly.

  9. This dude handled this situation beautifully – right until the end. When he started using vulgarity and flipping off the cops. That's where he screwed up and made himself a target.

    Now he needs to do EVERYTHING by the absolute letter of the law, get dash cameras for every vehicle he owns, I'd probably even recommend body-worn cameras, too, because he's pissed these cops off and you KNOW they'll be coming after him!! He better have an attorney on speed dial!!

    He was absolutely right to stand up to these tyrants. When he got belligerent, that's where he crossed the line. Always remain polite, cool, calm, and professional when dealing with cops – especially ones who you KNOW are in the wrong!! That will go a very long way if the situation ever winds up in court!!

  10. Okay, so what was the issue with this man's son? I think for the homeowner he was doing fine, but got tired and used profanity. Obviously, he was triggered, but as a suggestion I would've continued to remain calm only looks better on you for doing so, and being that he was recording. I wouldn't care if they brought CPS and a marching band when they come back!

  11. There is no such thing as a conversation with a police officer that will satisfy their suspicion or appease their investigation.
    Whether the conversation occurs on the street, through an open door, a closed door, an open window, etc.
    Simply DO NOT talk to the police. If you find yourself in a conversation with a cop, simply walk away and stop talking.
    NEVER TALK TO THE POLICE…..and don't forget…..NEVER TALK TO THE POLICE…..and most importantly…..NEVER TALK TO THE POLICE.

  12. Gee, seems 2 min. let cops tslk to the kid would have cleared it all up. I think cops checking on a child's welfare is good, BUT vops need to state their business i.e. are they after the kid for wrong doong of some sort. Problem is YV cops so proud they trick folks into incriminating themselves…by LYING.

  13. NEVER trust a cop. Cops are NOT your friend. Their job is to accumulate more arrests to advance their careers.
    Cops are allowed to lie to you in order to gain information or access but it is illegal to lie to a cop.

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