Cop Puts Burner To Man’s Head Over Tinted Windows | Shocking Traffic Stop!

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50 thoughts on “Cop Puts Burner To Man’s Head Over Tinted Windows | Shocking Traffic Stop!”

  1. I already trust and use my trifold. I got all my documents laminated and in the little pocket. But here's the deal. Brian from here's the deal endorses and promotes the trifold in the description of every one of his videos. And that sealed the deal. Brian is well versed, well read, and well spoken. A highly intelligent individual, if you don't take chille's advice, take his and get a trifold. It's not a get out of jail free card, it's a don't go to jail in the first place card.

  2. I've seen this clip many times and I cannot stop being furious at that female cop pointing a gun at his head.
    She told her work husband that she was scared to stand there alone so he came back and wanted the guy out of the car and then she goes ahead and puts a gun to his head.
    If that's not super escalation I don't know what is. Think maybe she did that so it could be escalated?

  3. I’m throwing up .This is so far out of line. I can’t see straight. People. Get off your couch. Make every city meeting go to your town hall hand. Head over to your police department and make a complaint. This is not about one man. It about your personal safety. Jbtp change it.

  4. Keep windows up doors locked cop card in the visor
    Graham versus Connor three prong test to determine use of force reasonableness
    1 what is the nature and severity of the crime?
    2. Is the subject an immediate threat to anyone or themselves?
    3. Is the subject attempting to flee?

    It looks to me like this guy has an excessive use of force claim my god what is wrong with these people today are used to wonder when I was a little girl how they got people to go along with murdering people in Nazi Germany and now I completely understand why they literally are sociopaths

  5. When they say they got a call, tell them to play to call so you can verity. Also ask them of the verified who the caller was and if they have a criminal record. Asl them the name of the caller !! Also please print mini copies of the US COnstitution and laminate them. When they ask for ID, give them a copy of the mini constitution !!

  6. Not shown she got all on edge bc he merely said "This ain't not see germany"… Then she drew bc he didn't bow down.
    Their training makes them completely unreasonable and puts US ALL at risk. The training is CRIMINAL.

  7. Under SCOTUS we lost a lot of rights under Terry and Mimms. Also the I smell the odor of…. Lies. And stops are always fishing trips. It’s the only policing cops do anymore.

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