Get your Trifolds and 5th Amendment Cop Cards on
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Get your Trifolds and 5th Amendment Cop Cards on
@ChilleDeCastro PayPal
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ZELLE: sohi90069 AT gmail dot com
Trump will fix this
I would never sit in my car eating with the door unlocked, even here in Montana. You never know when a psycho killer is going to come up and yank your door open, as we see in this case. I also, when stopped for any reason, am constantly checking my mirrors in case someone is approaching. It's not paranoia, it's being aware of my surroundings at all times.
The car moved ???or did the officer move forward if it was in revurse and he shot the kid would not the car keep going and I noticed the cop didn't say put it in park and get out he grabed the gear shift and moved it toward park so it was probly in drive and if some older cars are going from drive through reverse to park some cars give a slight jerk backwards he had to move the gear shift to park to comply with the cops orders witch would explain why the car didn't keep going backwards when the driver was murdered I wonder I keep hearing about how many people are killed by gun violence in America I wonder how many of this number were. Killed by cops ??😮😢😢
charged with eating
Cops are now judge jury and executioners. No more DUE PROCESS
( Citizen Explains perfectly how Good Authority's become BAD! ) Delete Lawz This video on YouTube is a good one on how good go's bad!
Hey, I love the channel, but my nephew sent you $30 and a few emails around a month ago and is still waiting for his tri fold? I hope you didn't lie to him and steal his money? Because that would mark you lousy! His name is chris murga, and he'll be sending you a follow-up email shortly! Please keep an eye out and come thru on your word! Keep up the good work!
Cops are criminals in uniform
yea pull your gun for a man with a cheeseburger in his hand'' must of been one killer sandwich huh?
That kid had zero time to process what was happening. His natural and instinctive reaction to an obvious threat was to "run". The POS cowardly thug on the other hand was in full control as he was the only person who knew what his intentions were. That was straight up murder. Anyone who can find an excuse for this murderer is just as twisted as he is.
what a joke;;
maybe he just bought the car.. and was in the process of transferring his plate from his old car… they ever think of that?
Statutory code enforcement is communism.
Not obeying a cop doesn't carry death penalty, and this cop took it upon himself to become judge, jury and executioner, when it was clear he himself wasn't in any danger.
Last meal was a burger. From McDonalds.
Fled from me the other day?????
So, umm, isn't opening the door illegal without a Warrant, making Everything the pig did after this illegal and in-ad-missible !!!
This Pig needs to be in jail for a Very Long Time .
Aint nobody going do anything bout it. These vids are worthless.
I think the crazy part was trying to effect an arrest by scaring the kid then expecting a calm scene to unfold. Not how it works…
So how can he justify the last 5 shots as he is driving away
Dude please stop advising people I watched your vids and got arrested on your advise and got 60 days…
That could be James Dean… Or lets take 2Pac's case out, why would somebody shoot at BMW nowdays, same type of attack. Love James Dean ❤
Homicidal maniacs, both of them….
This MF'ing Cop Needs some street justice! The other idiot narrating this Cops actions is an absolute F*cking Moron!
cop opened the car door without a warrant
He went to jail for murder right
a lot of suppositions, hypotheticals, and faulty logic expressed here to justify the cops/pigs actions.😮 wtf🤪🤪🤪