Cop Throws A Tantrum When Driver Knows His Rights

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26 thoughts on “Cop Throws A Tantrum When Driver Knows His Rights”

  1. Are police institutions un-American if they continue to do un-American acts to the citizens?? Tyranny is alive and prospering in our system of policing!! You have created a monster 👹 and you deserve the blame for it!! I totally agree that qualified immunity has to go! There's a better way!!

  2. I hate to see people acting on advice given by "internet lawyers". I agree with lackluster on many things but this video is clearly and demonstrably incorrect. In many states you have to show your license if you are driving a car. For example in Ohio, "When you drive a car, you are required to be able to prove that you have the right to be driving that car. Thus, whenever you are driving, you need to have your license with you and display it upon demand." When you are not driving that is a different story.

  3. Law enforcement once was held accountable and then Our government declared "war on drugs"….which in itself is a violation of Our Rights and Freedom….there is no "drug crime or gun crime" there's just crime…..robbery, murder, rape, speeding….you know

  4. TBH once the officer apologised, he should have said "apology accepted". That's just my opinion but if that cop walks away from that encounter on good terms, I think he's more likely to reflect positively on it, with future encounters in mind.

  5. his moxie is awesome. however, most people are conditioned to simply comply with law enforcement. we're taught to trust them unconditionally. i was one of those until i came across audit videos several months ago. we really do have to spread the word about these audits and what police departments are systemically doing to our civil rights. our survival depends on it.

  6. Some ego-maniacal cops slip through the cracks, just as bad apples slip through pretty much every profession. Those types aside, cops are taught in their 13 week academy to immediately "take control" of any situation they're called into. The problem is that some situations in life just ain't black-and-white. There are some situations where people will assert themselves and keep "control" of the situation, regardless the "feelings" of the cop. Constantly bilking the public by baiting police into absurd actions and forcing a big-payday lawsuit isn't the answer. Making the changes in the way cops are trained is a much better one. Law school is 3 years long. Police academies are less than 4 months long. Cops can't possibly learn the law and other aspects of their jobs in that short time. Hey, here's a hot setup: Since the jurisdictions are paying out those huge settlements with money their constituents pay in, what would happen if those paying constituents put a little pressure on the jurisdictions to make the required changes. That would free up a lot of money for, oh, I dunno …. beautification … attracting new business …. maybe even better training for public servants? Just a thought. <chuckle>

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