Cop Unleashes K9 on Innocent Man Just for Handing Out Lawn Care Flyers?!

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48 thoughts on “Cop Unleashes K9 on Innocent Man Just for Handing Out Lawn Care Flyers?!”

  1. I don't know how many times I have to tell people… The Police Are NOT Your Friend, NOT Your Buddy! Most will always obey their Master and Handlers, and they will excuse their behavior with the same tiresome phrase – "I'm just doing my job."

  2. This kid earned any money they give him and then some. Of course the cops are not going to get in trouble so all there is is compensation and I hope he never has to mow a lawn again. As far as I'm concerned he's retired. Plus he qualifies for disability.

  3. Well if there is one channel that proves how corrupt the system is.. it is this one. I saw a judge incarcerate this man .. just so she could make him compliant. Judge and blue line gang members are out of control across America.. it is only going to get worse. The only thing government wants from you is compliance..

  4. President Trump protects cops and he said it on national TV.
    The crimes committed by bad cops are only getting worse.
    Police were already killing children for holding Bibles, falsely arresting people, falsifying reports, using excessive force, and getting sued after ever encounter… what is next?

  5. Guilty of handing out business cards. That kid should sue the coppers. I don't even know if that's possible to win. The cops shouldn't even have K-9's. Those are the worst type of cops.

  6. Delete lawz are about can't parking shoulder hwy not safety hazards and safety place can parking for safety one problem police officers will get crazy well police officers don't know about law and police officers are dumber law

  7. I agree the cops are sorry pieces of shit for what they did to that black young man but why do you always go strait to racism white people go through the same crap

  8. Who the hell gives a darn about yelling "police dog. come out" YOU LITERALLY HAD NO BUSINESS BEING THERE. And than you turn around and excuse your officers of bad conduct and clearing them of any wrongdoing? WTF This is wrong on every level. they may be immune from prosecution, but the most high will serve a punishment they ain't ready for

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