36 thoughts on “Cop Uses Field Sobriety Test As Retaliation?”

  1. Guy stops because hes following the person that got pulled over:
    Officer: I see you want war huh? I'll give you war!
    Not to mention this officer already had mental warfare on his mind coming into the stop he just continues the mindset that hes on some sort of battlefield and these citizens he's hired to protect are his enemies. As humans we arent fighting a war or a battle constantly, we are surviving and its a different kind of fight one not against each other but with ones self. Too many don't want to face themselves so they direct the energy towards a fake battle against others.

  2. You know I really try to support the Police. It's getting really HARD to continue. So Police….. why is everyone guilty until proven innocent now days? No please I'll wait for an explanation…. Accountability is costing tax payers 3 BILLION in law suits in just 25 Departments in 2022. So the cuts involved in paying those probably cost the Departments thier good officers, equipment and training and now can't afford increasing force size…..It's crazy how lack of training keeps the Departments broke and unable to afford the training anyways. I'd have sued the department on the 2nd truck shenanigans and added to that 3 Billion.. They would rather bleed Billions of $$ instead of Reavaluating thier Departments and officers and hold them to accountability. That 3 Billion could have been used for a more positive result.

  3. Its not suspicious you are lying and dont have a right to id him. You need to get fired sued and even jail if you cause others jail time when you do things like this. Anyone can pull over, especially if they are following each other somewhere. Lame excuses amd lies.

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