42 thoughts on “Cops Are the Butt of the Joke, Globally.”

  1. That's a stupid ass claim I'm sorry but your a idiot for this comment. In Mexico a cop will pull you over and charge you 50$ for nothing someand if you don't pay you might be in trouble for anything , some are even paid off by the mexican cartel literally the cops at the border there is a couple of them that let drugs and guns go right thru cuz they are paid off and that goes both ways from mexico to us and us to mexico, in the Philippines you can physically assault someone and pay the cop 20-30$ and you walk away free. You havent even won a single case cuz these cops aren't even that bad I mean LVMPD does suck at their job my friend was shot and here bf did it and it took 3 and a half weeks to even name the bf a person of interest. Dude still hasn't been caught he's probably in mexico chilllen.

  2. You need to come to Ireland and see how the Police arent held accountabke for anything and our laws are a joke. Right now they're passing a bill for so called hate speech that basically you have to prove your innocence rather than have the presumption of innocence. Its to shut down all the protests and allow the mass immigration policies that seem to have plagued the west in the last couple of years. Atleast your justice system sticks by the constitution, over here they trample on it every single day.

  3. American cops may be corrupt, but don’t tell me America has the worst police. If you stop and learn more about culture and location, you’ll realize places like South Africa have higher crime rates because the cops themselves are often the thieves. I used to live there, for 20 years. America has its problems, but don’t act like America is the worst, because you are beyond fortunate to live in a country like America where 911 at least goes through to a person and not a voicemail.

  4. Well, it’s a miracle that people who have made comments against Chile have not been deleted or blocked by him. Because I had a friend who made a comment on a couple of his videos, and I don’t see his comments anymore so that means chili probably deleted them and blocked him. So chili is not for the first amendment he’s for himself.

  5. Your a joke bro not all cops are bad you should probably be the one watching your back you a pig scum and trash your a tyrant go off yourself bro your a fucking maggot you film the cops because you are a joke you are worse than any cop and if i ever saw you doing this in person I'd lay you out where you stand

  6. Ok..now after seeing a few videos it's obvious this guy has some issues with major anger issues. He just repeats the same shit over and over and he's looking to start shit with every cops. He's the problem…not those cops.

  7. I like how they just walked away from you like the ranting psycho you are. They didn’t leave the interaction thinking “hmm maybe cops are bad” they walked away thinking “that guy needs some serious help”

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