Cops Assumed They Were Criminals | Huge Update!

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40 thoughts on “Cops Assumed They Were Criminals | Huge Update!”

  1. The only laws most cops truely know and understand nowadays are the ones associated with protecting them from being held accountable for acting badly or in complete ignorance of the law. If they only spent an hour reading and understanding the first 10 principles of the document they swore an oath to uphold everyone would be much better off! … Well, Civil Rights Lawyer’s might lose allot of business but everyone else would be way better off:)

  2. These two idiots knew exactly what they were doing, Racially Profiling Them and The Clown with the smart mouth shoulda been fired. Chumps in blue, not all but so darn many… Found Near and Found On are two different things……Sue The HELL outta them….

  3. Got some questions about the alleged cannabis plants: We see in the video plants were taken by the officer. Were they entered into evidence by him with body cam record of the location of the discovery? Were they confirmed to be Cannabis sativa by a competent person? Were they confirmed to be of a variety likely to be cultivated for 'recreational use', or were they a low-yielding strain such as is grown for fibre or seed? Could the seeds have been transported in my natural means? Did the plants show any signs of being taken care of in the body cam footage that should have been entered the evidence stream? Were the plants actually there by chance?

    Back in the '70s my Gran grew quite a number of cannabis plants. She and my Grandad lived in a tied property on a small estate out in the country. They had a first floor (above the ground floor) flat and Gran could only get out down the stairs with great difficulty. Gran had a pair of budgies. When she cleaned them out, she would brush out the litter in the bottom of the cage and put it in the bin for disposal but was in the habit of emptying any dregs from the birdseed tray out of the first floor window onto a flower bed 12 or so feet below – feed the wild birds. My Dad spotted several very large and happy cannabis plants one summer morning on a visit. He uprooted them and buried them in the middle of a compost heap in Grandad's veg plot and that was the end of it. Gran and Grandad had heard of pot, but neither knew what cannabis plants looked like. Grandad had seen them and thought they were a nice-looking plant and was interested in how they would turn out. Dad read the label on the back of the box the birdseed came in and listed amongst the seeds was 'Cannabis sativa'.

  4. I've seen all that has been shown and the behavior of the smart-aleck cop is the first indication of racial profiling. Because Mr Tate refused to give his date of birth, when the woman renting from Tate asked for the cops name he sarcastically said "I'll see if I can find it.' The Greek root of "sarcasm" means "to tear flesh", so when the cop replied to a simple inquiry, he did it in an aggressive and verbally assaultive manner when he became sarcastic.

    The little white cop had no idea that asking about marijuana was exactly equal to an accusation of felonious behavior. a very insulting and threatening line of questioning to the black woman. The cop could not understand her reaction to his threatening and accusatory that to him it was "just a question" like asking "How do you like the weather?"

    The white cop arrested Tate for obstructing the cops investigation, and the only investigation in progress was the pot – showing that the cop actually was investigating Tate for growing that little clump of pot a few hundred feet away. Tate was not obstructing – the cop had his first and last name, knew the location of the property, and probably could have viewed vehicle license plates and run them, or run the property address through county records, and in doing so discovered anything he needed to know about Tate's particulars.

    Tate had done nothing criminal, but the cop was aggravated he could not get anyone to incriminate themselves about those pot plants way over yonder. Actually, I think what aggravated the cop the most was that black people were standing up to a white cop instead of doing some version of Step 'n Fetchit, and the fact that they did not recognize his "natural white authority' over blacks irritated him, so the cop continued on into his retaliatory behavior.

    It is sad that a young cop already has a Boss complex, thinking he is above the law, and expecting subservient behavior from black people., even when he begins the contact using threatening and accusatory statements. He and those who allowed this type of behavior to fester needs to be brought up short by Mr Bryan's lawsuit.

  5. That county should settle. They will be liable financially in some way, it is just to what degree.
    The officer knew none of those people had to ID and the obstruction charge was unfounded, malicious and retaliatory. Additionally the charges weren’t dropped immediately, which indicates institutional comspiracy

  6. Those officers have more contact with the alleged marijuana plants than the landowner and tenants. Arrest each other. S
    There are many other crimes the officers could be accused of because of proximity. The l and ts had no probable cause against them.
    Good work surviving the motions to dismiss.

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