Cops Caught Snooping in Backyard Looking For AirPods | Is That Legal?

Can the police enter your backyard and start snooping around for missing AirPods without a search warrant? Details/Cites at link:

#KnockAndTalk #HotPursuitDoctrine #ExigentCircumstances

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49 thoughts on “Cops Caught Snooping in Backyard Looking For AirPods | Is That Legal?”

  1. Have been harassed by City Code Enforcement claiming a neighbor complained about our yard this is the second time was already cleared a few months ago by a different code enforcemnt officers so it didn't work the first time so she called them again and officer Honey Badger came up on my 3 acre lot looking for violationds doesn't this violate my rights against unreasonable searches and seizures? Thanks I watch all your videos.

  2. Have you seen the new incident from Santa Clara CA with hot pursuit that was a week old? Officers broke into a home breaking the mothers ankle. They have already given her 6.7 million for her injuries. I am more concerned that the Chief said they did not need a warrant because they were in “hot pursuit “ of a crime that happed a week prior. That was what the news reported. If this is a new way to get around a warrant less search it’s nuts. I am a former Deputy and I can’t wrap my head around this

  3. Was it Air Pods, or Air Tags? This all sounds like Air Tags and someone misspoke the name. If it was Air Tags, then why can't you follow a digital trail the same way you might follow a wounded suspects blood trail? It's a viable indicator of where they went. What about low jacked cars, can you track it to a chop shop and go inside, or do you need a warrant when chasing a car thief when you tracked the car to a building? It all seems to come to the same thing, if you have a clear trail, in my opinion, the warrant isn't needed. Isn't that the logic behind a K-9 search, they are telling you there is a high chance or contraband inside…well isnt't an Air Tag ping even higher then a K-9's nose?

  4. I get it, air pods are expensive. However, why are 8 officers looking for them? If anybody is watching this channel, I recommend two channels in FL. There are two sheriffs, one in Polk County and on in marion county whose departments are busy 24/7 with major cases and they get results.

  5. I saw another video where an idiot cop jumped the fence because the gate was locked. On the other side, he encountered the family dog and wound up, shooting it. Allegedly, he was looking for a missing toddler.

  6. This is one of the reasons there is a market for Pit Bulls, Cane Corsos, Dogo Argentinos, Bullmastiffs, Dobermans, Rottweilers, Kuvaszs, Belgian Malinois, etc. No cop is sneaking into your back yard with a Cane Corso waiting on him.

  7. Respectfully, part of the reason I don’t trust your ideology can be summed up by looking at how many times you use the word “supposedly“. Sure seems like you feel like the cops should have to have a warrant or some high bar that they must satisfy before they can even knock on your door to do a knock and talk. I’m not just seems beyond crazy.

  8. I had 3 officers come to my door and not tell me why. They argued with me for about 10min on their right to enter my home. One had her hand on her gun the whole time. After all this played out the reason they were here was to tell me that my daughter had been run over and killed. I have a serious problem with cops now.

  9. florida must be incredibly safe if they were able to establish this stolen ipods task force.. i am sure the cops there are very proud of themselves to have brought crime to its knees and have such safe streets

  10. I lived in Bay County for 2 years . They have a saying there . Come on vacation, go home on probation and return on violation. I was looking for a place to retire .
    You DON'T want to go there . EVER, FOR ANY REASON !!

  11. It would have been much cheaper if the cops just bought them a new set of air pods. I am missing a pair of really nice sunglasses. Maybe I should call these guys. I probably just lost them somewhere, but I think a $5000 investigation is a good use of my tax dollars. I really liked those glasses.

  12. Castle doctrine and stand your ground are in play, more so castle doctrine as a matter of common law, when they refuse to leave when ordered they become criminals. So once they're beyond the red line, expect them to use violence. I advise people to be ready for violence, don't start it, don't welcome it, don't instigate it. But ALWAYS finish it. If it means cop doesn't go home at night. So well. YOU FUCKING SURVIVE. Why? Because it's your fucking home and you're god damn King here. Where in this fucking world did we get to a point that the PUBLIC OFFICIAL goes home at night, no matter what, but the guy paying his salary, giving him a job and doing nothing criminal doesn't get the same or better?

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