Cops Get Search Warrant for Footage of Shooting, then Search Fridge – Off Duty Rampage Part 2

I already posted the crazy video footage showing an off duty police officer on a rampage at Greg’s Sports Bar in October of 2021. It’s long, but highly interesting:

Here’s the backstory which led up to that night. About a week before the rampage incident, there was a shooting in the parking lot of the same bar. Someone basically fired a gun in the air. The same police department that the rampaging officer worked for arrived at the bar to investigate.

Bodycam footage shows what happened next, resulting in a late-night search where the officers can be seen looking in refrigerators and whatnot, rather than following the language of the warrant. As you’ll hear on the video, the main officer threatened to get Greg in trouble with the ABC, which is exactly what happened after the rampage from the first video……

Bluefield PD obtains search warrant for video footage, then searches fridge, etc. – Off-duty Officer Rampage Incident Part 2


46 thoughts on “Cops Get Search Warrant for Footage of Shooting, then Search Fridge – Off Duty Rampage Part 2”

  1. Put your recording device in a concrete safe and have everything automatically uploaded to the cloud in another country. Then have additional spy cameras that are not showing on your video monitors. Gotta have decoy cameras.

  2. they can take the videos, not their entire security system. and certainly not to search the entire building once they had already discovered the recording devices. I was angry enough with the first video. I knew there had to be more to the story. So, glad you are representing him. END QUALIFIED IMMUNITY, NOW! Hold police responsible for their actions! Police brutality and illegal activities will end when we hold them responsible and not until.

  3. OK I have to comment again.

    These ignorant idiots are confiscating components of the video system that don't actually record. Idiots took the video junction box. It doesn't record. It since any videos signal a separate recording device.

    Plus. It's evident that they're trying to find something incriminating so they can bring charges against the bar owner, because he had the gall to call the police about of a almost psychotic out-of-control off duty cop. More further proof the cops will go out of their way, even if it's illegal, to protect their own.

  4. Going by the wording of the warrant the system is wanting to take away the man's ability to operate his business. Search should have been over after taking all electronics that had to do with servalence videos.

  5. By the way, Can you find something on 3rd. amendment? I've heard a few things on it but cops got away with it because they are not military. I' mean you know, They have AR 15's, MP5's, MRAPS. Night vision and so on. Do they have any M1 Abrams? I'll have to look into that. How about a Cobra or an Apache helicopter. Yes I'm being sarcastic but they would if they could. I did leave out the flash bangs and so on.

  6. Damn, talk about roid rage!! I grew up in Pittsburgh and it was common knowledge to stay out of WV. It is one of the most corrupt states in the country and if a WV cop's lips are moving, they are lying. I had many friends robbed by WV Gestapo. They would pull you when they saw you were from out of state and empty your wallet, then threaten you if you said anything about it.

  7. Get a warrant or go away. Classic retaliation. They couldn't get just a copy of the day in question?

    After they got what they were after isn't it illegal to search everything?

  8. 14:20 mins The cop is tracing video cables into that room where the booze is stored. He is not randomly searching (but yes he did open a floor fridge!), and also tracing cables into the closet where the surveillance monitor was located. Yes they found the DVR, but is there another video recording system? The owner should have complies and given the cops the video clip that they wanted.

  9. Why was I fascinated that the guy opened the lock with a weird looking double spike pick ax. He just pressed on the lock and the door opened. Interesting. The cop stated that he knew that the DVR was downstairs, btw…

  10. Hopefully you can get this taken care of for your client. The city should have to cover the list revenue your client suffered due to their ineptitude and vendictiveness. Has far as harassing his patrons they should face charges for that too.

  11. It's insane that you own something and the cops can come in and take it without your consent. The judges apparently sign these search warrants with ease due to judicial immunity. When they say they are not all bad remember they will do this to you to if they feel like it.

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