31 thoughts on “Cops “investigating” Cops = No Results.Internal Affairs is a JOKE”

  1. When I tried to file a complaint with internal affairs in Evansville Indiana they wouldn't even talk to me. I have a valid complaint not even the chief of police nor the mayor's office will call me back. They know that I have a video that shows that an officer lied on me and they don't want to face it.

  2. Like to see the world's greatest attorney pursue Rico ACT on proven dirty cops, IA, DA, and judges.

    Laughable right, but many cities, countries, and States running rackets. Just cause the Govt. does it, doesn't make it right!

  3. Do you not understand how you are a fascist like these cops? Like the Nazis your country inspired you are living on unceeded land. You are an invader no different then those that seized France or Polland.

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