Cops Keep Getting This Wrong #shorts #lawenforcement #police #arrest

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41 thoughts on “Cops Keep Getting This Wrong #shorts #lawenforcement #police #arrest”

  1. I love it when police THINK they can make their explanation fit then said policy! Policy is not law state or federal. She is a supervisor, She is not and shall not make those determination is a determination for a Judicial determination She the supervisor should not be In enforcement!

  2. FL is a stop and ID state. They will arrest you for refusing to ID. It's horrible. If you are falsely arrested or clearly not guilty all charges will be dropped like in any other state, and you can sue for damages and violation of rights like in any other state. That's how the state gets around the obvious 4th amendment problem. The only difference is until you can post bail you'll be in jail. And Cops can do a lot of bad things to you in jail, like strip searches, solitary, sleep deprivation, even beatings. So to me, it's better to show ID and not go to jail. What should happen is Stop and ID should be declared a violation of the 4th amendment and ended. GA, OH, and many other states have it also. It's wrong.

  3. If this warrant so serious it would be funny. I mean this is flat out serious I’m trying to locate the full video of that female cop talking to someone in that black vehicle.

  4. Suspicious is not a crime . I would love for them to tell me what the guidelines are of Suspicion is. If you stand on a corner does that make you suspicious? By no means necessary do you have to provide a ID.

  5. Yeah because now they're saying you're guilty before that's what I'm talking about these cops are going around arresting people and you haven't even done anything he works for the state they get paid by the so they really don't care about the public that salary

  6. Lady is a huge liability for this thinking. Should never have a badge.
    Saying has no right to exercise 1st amendment free speech, then by evoking 5th amendment they automatically arrest you and violate your 4th amendment.
    Her logic is Gestapo based and get ready to write a big check.

  7. They are. Nazies. or they act like. So she is stating that al I have to do is call and say that. TCRL is developing nukes in his basement.. And now they were dispatched so they can do as they pleace. No wonder swatting works..

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