Cops Take Wife Hostage and Offer a Trade!

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49 thoughts on “Cops Take Wife Hostage and Offer a Trade!”

  1. The blue thugs … criminal activity. Not a stop & ID state. Cops are wrong. Person that's in cuffs is right. Love the copsplaining … typical. Plus they kidnapped his wife? Great law suite material.

  2. So I can make any bull shit claim I want about my neighbor and the cops will go over and harass them in their own home? Sweet!

    The police won’t learn their lesson till it’s too late and the whole country is against them

  3. With a halfway decent attorney, this is gonna be a very difficult case for the police department first of all, they made an illegal detainment of the gentleman because he was on the curtilage of his property. They did not have a warrant for his arrest so therefore he was under no illegal obligation to identify himself. Holding the wife hostage after kidnapping her off of her property without charges is a felony crime because they were demanded that he turned himself in as ransom for his wife.

  4. The police believe that the phrase "we got a call" nullifies all a citizen's rights. The also believe that they have the right to ID a citizen with NO RAS, NO CRIME. They also believe in the Tooth Fairy and retaliation.

  5. Officers need to understand that citizens aren't responsible for their paperwork. "I am male resident #1." Unless you suspect that person of a crime, they can't be doing this.

  6. This has got to stop!! The police are now as bad as the thugs!! Looks like the average citizen is one his own now. If the criminals don't get you the cops will for sure!!

  7. So… Let me get this straight…. You show up to a neighborhood to investigate the discharge of a firearm. You detain and accost a stranger, on his own property, because he fails to identify himself to your liking… not because you believe he discharged a firearm. It would certainly seem to me that qualified immunity flies right out the window, at that moment.

    You then steal his identification… Run his I.D. and see that he has no warrants. A problem you promptly rectified by having a warrant issued for his taking exception to your illegal actions. You knew he was going to sue and tried to get out ahead of it by charging him with 'SOMEthing. ANYthing.'

    All before returning to the house, kidnapping his wife, and trying to make a deal to make it or him go away. This is what corruption looks like, ladies and gentlemen.

    This shit makes ME want to go back for my JD.

  8. Why do good lawyers love cigars so much ? I finally found a good one ,and sure enough that guy is some kind of cigar collector of something..l could make a lawyer joke here, but I won't do that 😊😊

  9. Yup.
    Happened to me.
    Neighbor called, kids playing outside loudly.
    I let the cops in my house “to talk”who then immediately starting searching my cupboards, my refrigerator, bedrooms, medicine cabinets, my basement…
    I got upset and verbally protested, more and more started showing up, and then I was harassed for YEARS by every cop in the county.
    I moved.

  10. I think it’s rediculous what these cops do they constantly lie about stuff they had no right to detain or arrest him he didn’t do anything wrong he was on his own property you don’t need to identify yourself at all it’s is your right problem is cops don’t know the law or don’t care actually.

  11. Who do they think they are?

    I'll tell you who.

    They are the bringers of destruction on themselves. They are cloaked in the protective might of a framework of laws that carry force of complete destruction at the hands of the government.

    But the destruction will be their own.

    Just as soon as people educate themselves of the constitutional right, and duty, to replace a…….. and I quote….."despotic" government.

    Look up the definition, and join together with the people of this country in fulfillment of the highest duty given to us under the constitution.

    Learn what it says, come united, and take the action that our founders wrote into our laws making us the only party with the authority to dismiss our government, should they ever create a system that represses our rights as described in the constitution and declaration of Independence.

    Our founders wanted us to take action against despotism.

    Our founding fathers are pleading with you to take action.

    Their insistence is written in plain language and in black and white, right there in our country's greatest historical documents.

    They are begging you to take your freedom back with any means necessary.

    Begging you.

    How is it that you are unaware of their pleading?

  12. Why does every cop think they HAVE to identify everyone they talk to I swear they teach them this in the academy or there police precinct says they should and I don’t understand it’s an obvious law that’s been around for plenty long enough.

  13. Didnt you guys call this the land of the free..
    We have so much freedom, that everyone wants to be as free as you only freedom you have is to own guns, i would trade that anytime for not be living in a tyrant regime like america. What just happen there is just what tyranni is about, to supress a person.

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