Deputies with the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office literally threw an elderly woman out the door of their jail, telling her, “have a nice day,” then leaving her writhing in pain on the concrete sidewalk, as they walked back inside, smirking.
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Deputies with the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office literally threw an elderly woman out the door of their jail, telling her, “have a nice day,” then leaving her writhing in pain on the concrete sidewalk, as they walked back inside, smirking.
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How could anyone sleep with these men at night and think that was ok. No hero’s here, the dregs of life. Dirty cops at there best. The world is ashamed of them.
Remember guys, protect and serve!
damn she didn't even hurt anybody
More and more we see that the current state of "law enforcement' is no longer fit for purpose. It has been failing since its inception and now is beyond repair. All of these adult toddlers running around with high powered weapons and immunity to prosecution have to stop now. People have lost faith in statism and the things of the state are now redundant.
naw naw naw police need complete immunity Trump 2024! greatest country in the world 😑 🙄 🤡
Another disgusting aspect of these cops is that every one of their parents, spouses, friends and family are still incredibly proud of these sociopaths. They will back them to the very end that this was nothing more than hero's being hero's!!
Man they really are the lowest level of humans
And this is how they behave with cameras.
Is there any charges that can be placed on the officer who did this? Like assault charges? If someone did this exact thing to a police officer I'm sure they would be quickly arrested and put on criminal charges so what is the difference here?
When will we start holding people accountable for there actions I would argue we expect police to be of high integrity 😢
Pretty disgusting behavior 😢and very heartbreaking 💔. I bet none of theses cops would like their mother, grandmother, sissy, etc treated like such 😢🤬🤡
She got protected AND served
To make border line personality types as cops. Physcopaths
All cops lie
End immunity
Watching your videos makes me angry. Mainly because the entire system protects these police and there are rarely consequences that rise to a level that would put an end to this
Only evil people become cops
Why are the public servants faces being blurred out?
This is the SAME department that had one of its cops smoking fentanyl in their bathroom and ODing. The discovering officer after seeing the other collapsed in the restroom stall from a distance immediately turned and did a bee line for his car outside to grab his narcan kit. Illicit drug used by badged cops in uniform in that department seems to be their biggest open secret. He was SMOKING it in their restroom. You really can't make this lawlessness up anymore. Wtf?! 😂 This was posted an hour ago on a channel called Ape Huncho.
At the least it’s elder abuse and the cop should have been arrested. The other cops need to be disciplined at the very least if not charged as accomplices. This is why people don’t trust cops. Thin Blue Line.
Welcome to the police state. Back the blue until they beat you. FTBL.
This man is the excrement working for the government of tyrannical behavior!
Just evil and mean.
Why the fuck are all those tyrants faces blocked out they were all involved and the public has the right to see who they are 😊
🤬Them police!!
This is cops today there more dangerous than criminals