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Officer C.S. Dawson
Garland Police Department
(972) 206-4024
Supervisor: Lt. Trusty
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Body Cam: https://amzn.to/2W5cEBh
Gimbal: https://amzn.to/2KkCmiM
GoPro: https://amzn.to/2W7UC1b
Radar/Laser Detector $$$: https://amzn.to/37LtQC2
Radar/Laser Detector $$: https://amzn.to/3bGyZfQ
Radar/Laser Detector $: https://amzn.to/3qVIiPz
DashCam $$$: https://amzn.to/3aHL5pO
DashCam $$: https://amzn.to/3mueNBv
DashCam $: https://amzn.to/37uQkaW
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00:00 Intro
01:28 Alleged Violation
03:24 Parking vs. Stopping
14:13 Bodycam?
22:26 Alleged Spitting
23:41 FINAL
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Disclaimer: NONE of my videos should be considered a “call to action.” The content is created to be educational or is newsworthy and of interest to the public.
I am not an attorney. My videos should not be construed as legal advice. You should seek legal counsel if you believe that you are a victim of police misconduct. The facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion. Laws, case law, ordinances, policies, legal doctrine, and all other jurisprudence is subject to the interpretation of the court. The videos shown are designed to be educational, and informative. They should never serve as legal advice under any circumstances. The content provided is in no way intended to provoke, incite or shock the viewer. My content was created to educate citizens about constitutionally protected activities, law, and civilian rights, and to emphasize the importance of constitutional awareness. All claims made are alleged.
#1stAmendment #Audit #CopsOwned
Tell them to get the hell off your property without a warrant.
That cop is garbage
Earning the hate.
As infuriating as the behavior of the cops is the whole interaction is hilarious. Ryan conference calling his dad and wife, the officers jumping through any hoop possible to get an ID, the stupid reason for being stopped, and you can just hear Ryan’s heartbeat the entire time lmao
In a case like that call 4 a supervisor your self….
Like you said they all work together
Next thing you know he's going to cite pedestrians for crossing the alley because they're obstructing traffic
That Dad is a freakin G!
You Yankees don't half make yourselves look stupid

I wonder how Hitler got so many minions.
I don’t get it bro, i question do these cops ever ask themselves how would they react in these very petty circumstances. The interaction began with a whole other issue not related to him and was completely neglected, sounds like bs to me.
Lazy when you can't be fkd including an update to your vid, considering this was 2 years ago
you can hear his heartbeat from the body cam.
"Fuck the Fire Department…"
One word harassment.
Police power driven ego.
The other officers were embarrassed.
That said , most cops do the right thing.
Lieutenant ? Id love for him to be my FTO for my upcoming tell all.
I'm not American and always thought that the Police service in America was better than my country. And although Trinidad and Tobago 's Police service is third world, I have never once felt violated by any of the Police Officials in my Country.
I live in Garland and am a biker. I have had numerous run ins with GPD, especially the gang unit. They seem to think all bikers are criminals. I have even been stopped for doing 5 M.P.H. BELOW the speed limit…..officer saying he wanted to make sure I was OK.
Is that his heart beat I hear ? On the body cam
You can tell by her body language that she's totally on the biker's side and thinks it's ridiculous. He should have asked those other two cops what their opinion was on the situation. How could they not talk sense into the crazy cop?
His heart rate was 160bpm the whole time.
If you drove the bike you are obligated to show your license reg and insurance.
Im proud of the biker for standing his ground that cop had no reason what he did just because the biker rides a bike i do for fun
More cases of cops that should be working at McDonalds instead of being LEO's
Is there an update to this. Cause I need one.
The same cops let cities burn ,robbers rob ,shoplifters loot ,and they act tuff for a parking ticket ?
Unfortunately, this is par for the course when you're wearing colors… These morons watched a TV show and think they know everything, and they go to "training" consisting of other morons that watched the same shows. I've dealt with the same type of crap, and so have 90% of my Brothers.
If they wanted to give him a ticket why not just do it and leave.The vehicle was outside. He had every right to refuse to Id when clearly there was no crime because the act of stopping to get inside your own house is not a crime
This needed to be shown , this cop is the criminal
This officer is like a small child
The cop said he was able to find his ID because of a picture?? (19:45). That cop was a complete dick.
This is why there’s a divide between the police and citizens bad guys like this make a mountain out of a mole hill looking for trouble all the time he knows damn well the guys just trying to get home
This was simple bullying,,…
We're always say cops deserve our respect, respect is earned not given. And it's just a few bad apples, but if you notice the so called good apples always back up the bad, so by definition they are all bad
Ask for a city attorney?
So cops have better things to do?
little pencil-neck beta male cop…he'll get his justice one day…they all do
Never has one cop been more id hungry…, wow!!
What club? I hope that young man has his rockers
Nothing like you paying the Gestapo to harass you…6-8 cops there at 20-30 bucks an hour for a $25 ticket?
The ID stuff is about fishing for other issues, correct? Or is it just filling in the contact on a computer and they need that to justify the 3 officers who appear to be wasting time? Looks like a parking violation at most. They could simply have told him his bike is out 2 inches, move it in and end of issue.
This is a nightmare these cops need to back off
Arrogant cop
Why do people hate cops?
Textbook Cop Block. Great Work!! Cameras are your only defense.