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He's a victim. Vote Biden
I'm the same
So when a suspect abuses a police officer should they be able to shoot that suspect. Your videos are addicting to watch but i think your take is sometimes wrong. Also you said you dont like police but is it all police? You have at max a couple hundrd descriptions of violent officers. There is thousands of law enforcement. Are all of them bad?
This guy beating somebody up? Thinking about it is as close hell ever get
Sorry of you see me grab my child by his collar and you get involved expect to elbowed in your jaw and mind your business now if im choking my child like homer does bart then yeah helo my child
In that scenario you need to mind your own fuckin business. The problem nowadays is there aren’t ENOUGH parents snatching their kids up.
I agree with most of what you say but some of these kids need it these days…
He’s OUT without BAIL … watch the case progress , doubtful he will serve time .
How did he treat the public if he treated his family like this
This given power will tend to abuse it.
And he lived through this moment with nobody to step in
I wander what he does to the public?
I agree on everything else you say but you tell me how to raise my kid is where I draw the line we gonna have issues!!!
40% of cops are admitted abusers
All police are garbage humans
Abuse and physical discipline are 2 very different things
Only time cops pay is when they can't control the damage and evidence…..
Abuse of a child is inhuman?
I support and agree with about 99.9% of what you do on here but trust and believe if I'm doing something with my kid that I feel is necessary for my kid even if in public and you approach me…..
Abuse is different than abuse….only non parents don't the difference…This channels is in my top ten but might not work to well for interfering with loving protective parent and their child just saying
Just all of a sudden
Sorry sweetie dad is now sleeping
I stand behind what you do in the war against fighting cops abusing their authority but if you get in the way of a mother/father disciplining their child that could land you in a box. Be careful.
You know I do you're a really great guy man I really appreciate you being out there doing what you do I was herassed by police growing up i'd been arrested on a couple of mister Meyers I didn't even do stuff that includes my friend to trust pass and know whatever the said it was me they rested me later that day fort cause it was actually a buddy of mine who was out smoking a cigarette in front of a Taco Bell and I told him to move because the customers didn't like it and he said no and the cops is due to the cops so he gave my name and I show up later that day they arrested me for and the manager guy was like yeah that's him it's supposed like bro I was hoping asleep at 11 in the morning I was not feeling well I stayed home from school and everything and I was in high school at the time it was ridiculous. all this went on and on finally 38 years old I've gotten a phone it's the first one in my life and the cops harass me nonstop just constantly and they stopped me 1 day and they arrested me for a residential burglary when nothing was broken in 2 nothin was stolen . But yet lady college officers and guy for walking in your house she screamed at him I guess he's so old the oh I'm looking for Dave or some c*** like that and she said you're in the wrong house and said oh I'm so sorry to walk out. that's what I got from my discovery papers so for that they won't around looking for a guy with brown hair and a blue shirt and stopped me a couple hours later they supposedly show my pictures to the 68 year old lady who says I think that's the guy and then they arrested me and charged me for residential burglary but no nothing was broken to do nothing was stolen I was shocked to find out that Illinois law says they could charge you with a burglar if they think you're trust passing and they assume that you're there to burglarize. I thought I was gonna get lucky you know I didn't have money for a lawyer I thought the public defenders would just be like well this is horizontal this is B yes and give me other but the pulked vendors didn't help me The one lawyers didn't talk to me about my situation didn't help me the only thing you had to say to me was that my family could hire him on as a regular attorney if they could get up a couple grand gold over to the next hour's office was and I was like my family don't have any money you're a public defender you're getting paid to help me anyways and he wouldn't he wouldn't say much of anything else and just walked out and then you wouldn't even ask me if I was gonna get a continuance till we got right there at court and I said yeah I want to continue and I'm not gonna take 4 years for nothing I didn't do s*** I was p*** I was sick I was highly nimic do you think I have crohn's and I'm gonna s*** and blow it in a f**** jail I can't bail out because I didn't have enough money it was a nightmare and the end I ended up having to do 2 years because public defenders would not help me and they kept saying I was gonna get 10 to 15 years if I try to fight my case all the game members all the guys I knew at that jail which was a lot of people they kept telling me nook you can't fight your case They they'll just destroy you and give you a big fat amount of time for even trying to fight your case. so this guy isn't there that I don't even do one s*** but I'm just gonna take the time because they don't want to get worse time and the harassment is just unending log guys in the gym did do the stuff that they did I mean so for somebody who didn't do some stupid b***** I was trapped in there there is no way out no we have I can't believe i'd never wanted to take the time I wanted to fight the case man and i'd be in Manhattan hailed by guards while I'm sick and under way and I mean there was no call for I was at our join or yell and I know buddy they literally grab me and were throwing me into the wall for nothing. there's been a number of suicides there at that Joe over the years and these were guys that weren't even getting major time and there was a lot of talk about how the guards probably did it because guys were doing sort of things there is 2 male guards there that were sexually Harassing male prisoners
There’s a growing psychological problem within police culture.
My step dad was a police officer for many years, he was racist and had the most insane power complex I've seen to this day.. he hit my mom once when I was 16, I ran downstairs to get a knife and he went to get his gun, told me and my mom if we reported it he would lie and spin it so I went to jail and nobody would believe me or her. Haven't seen that POS is 15 years.. but was happy when he showed up on TV for getting in trouble for pulling a black guy out of a passenger seat for filming, slammed him in the snow and then turned the camera off.. I only wish he could've spent a little time in prison to see what it would be like to not have the power over the public that he craved