CPS and CJS Absolute Bombshell with Derik Medley.

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43 thoughts on “CPS and CJS Absolute Bombshell with Derik Medley.”

  1. I paid child support for 20 years. My checks were pathetic. I paid for 3 children. Every time one became an adult I requested it lowered, denied every time. Even though my income changed on average ,25 an hour each year. My ex never worked, I questioned the court where her financial liability was, every time the answer was, well she's raising them. Of course my reply was, "well I'll raise them:. No no no, of course, When they were all at school 8 hours a day, she still refused to work, because the courts have her that power. I paid enough support for her to pay all the bills, keep them fed, play in sports and pay for family vacation every year. It's BS. pd course I know I have to help pay for my children, that's not the issue the issue is we as men, always get fd.

  2. I have a cure. Go to the border, claim asylum under a different identity, problem solved. You'll get every benefit and then some from the US tax payers. And the kicker TAX FREE!

  3. CPS is state sponsored child trafficking along with the family courts. The money go's to a PO box? Who's getting the money? It's a PO box. How you going to pay when your in jail. I here you can only go to jail only once for this charge. Lawyers and attorneys are agenst you their barr members, you have to learn this to represent your self if you dont good luck but blessings to you all good people. UCC1 sounds nice. Im a cop hater but not all some are good. Blessings.

  4. “Forced child support contracts are legally no contracts at all”

    – “Custody/support/visitation courts always create a “civil contract” between a so-called “custodial” parent and so-called “noncustodial” parent, which includes the two basic required terms of any contract, i.e., “performance” and “consideration” which are then actually the “performance” of the custodial parent providing “visitation” to the noncustodial parent, and the “consideration” is the (court ordered) payment of child support. Moreover, these family courts will of course force that “contract” upon the noncustodial parent, under pains and penalties like future contempt, or even jail for non-compliance with the court’s orders (which are already unconstitutional per other reasons). But, there’s the rub – any legally binding contract must be entered into voluntarily with mutual agreement and so forth by all parties/sides, and a forced contract is legally no contract at all… It is, by definition of law, NOT enforceable, in the first place, because it is not really a legally binding contract… It is void, a nullity, an illegal farce. Further, no parent in his/her own right mind would ever consider voluntarily entering into a contract to actually give up most of their own pre-existing parental rights and physical time with their own flesh-and-blood, for the “privilege” of also paying ongoing ransom money to someone else for that deal”

    “Title IV-D is flatly illegal for direct conflicts of interest”

    — “The entire Title IV-D funding scheme is flagrantly unconstitutional and a completely fraudulent usage of taxpayer dollars. Did you know that there are actually statutes on the books in each State and Commonwealth that detail how Title IV-D federal funding is to be used, which includes basically dividing up all the “profits” (from unlawfully screwing and cheating so-called "noncustodial" parents in generally outrageous child support orders having no relation to the real world) and paying out different percentages of those “profits” to each County, to each Title IV-D office and their own personnel, to each family court budget, and so forth? Can you spell “m-e-r-c-e-n-a-r-y”?? This insane and wholly unjust system uses federal taxpayer dollars to literally provide direct financial incentives for family courts to commit fraud as much as possible, i.e., violate rights, go beyond limits, etc., etc., as often as they can, because the more Title IV-D monies they order against everyone, the higher all of their percentage takes received. Like the bonuses and commissions that form the basis for rampant fraud by social workers in the CPS/DSS/DCF/etc. victimization realm, these Title IV-D profits being paid to incentivize the family courts into routinely violating parents’ constitutional rights are so ridiculously unjust against the very premise and existence of a court of law, one hardly knows where to begin listing all of the illegal violations going on with that. And, it’s not only the direct fraud regarding those conflicts of interest, fiduciary duties, and etc., but there’s also the fact of actually using taxpayer dollars to commit widespread violations of citizens’ constitutional and due process rights, even to induce higher rates of commissions of crimes by state actors against innocent citizens. Therefore, all of Title IV-D is a flagrantly unconstitutional and highly fraudulent, illegally repulsive funding scheme that must be terminated”

  5. here is another good piece of information on how family court plays on people's ignorance of their real rights. We will have to have a conversation one day and I can tell you about how I got played and my plan to take my case to Federal Court to sue child support.

    “Parental Rights Class Action” Lawsuit to be filed in Washington DC: Justice for U.S. "family court" victims

    You already HAD full custody, before ever entering family court

    “– Every natural/biological parent already has full legal/physical custody of their child from the very moment of birth. These full and equally-shared custodial rights over children are pre-existing long before ever entering into any family court process. Yet, every day of the week, family courts are automatically, arbitrarily, unilaterally and summarily just reclassifying one-half of the parents as fictitiously-alleged “noncustodial” parents, and then of course also adding on further secondary orders like support and visitation. The flagrantly unconstitutional problem is that the state has absolutely no legal authority, in the first place, whatsoever, to start ordering around how any child is to be taken care of, especially including ordering you – the natural/biological parent with pre-existing and superior rights to your child/ren – how much time, money and other efforts you must expend upon your own natural child/ren, until and unless the state first would prove you seriously “unfit” to continue retaining your pre-existing parental rights, i.e., first proving by clear and convincing evidence under full due process procedures that you are seriously unfit parent with seriously documented child abuse/neglect/etc. Only then, i.e., only after first removing your parental rights by a sanctioned compelling interest (protecting children from serious abuse/neglect/etc.), may the state then finally have the actual legal authority to start acting like the parent of that child itself, by directing how the child is to be taken care of (how much money to spend each week on the child, where the child will live and go to school, medical, dental, and everything else involved in raising a child). Since the mid-1970s and federalization of family law, the family courts have been doing this wrong for so long now, that the general public mistakenly believes that a divorce-or-similar case is all about “he said, she said” enough to “win” custody of their own children, all of which could never be further from the actual truth. A family court itself ("the State") does NOT have ANY custody of the child, and it is a pure fiction, a fantasy, an absolute legal nullity, a complete fraud, for any family court judge to “award” or “grant” custody of a child to either/both natural parents. Remember, they (both) already have their (equally-shared) pre-existing custodial rights to their child/ren. No family court judge can “award” or “grant” something it does not even have (child custody) to someone who already has it (child custody)… The entire notion is a completely and directly unconstitutional fraud, of widespread and epidemic proportions. What is actually going on within that (wholly unlawful) process is that the family court is actually allowing one parent to retain her/his pre-existing custodial rights, but actually removing the other parent’s equal pre-existing custodial rights, but without following the absolutely required prerequisite due process procedures of first removing that parent’s pre-existing custodial rights by proving serious parental unfitness. By allowing one parent to retain their constitutional parental rights (which are always superior to the state’s rights), yet actually removing the other parent’s same and equal pre-existing rights (without even so much as bothering to tell them that that is what is actually happening…), there are always three (3) big unconstitutional violations going on, every time, regardless whether it’s the mother-over-father, or father-over-mother: (1) direct violations of that victimized parent’s own individual various due process and constitutional rights; (2) direct violations of equal protection of the laws; and (3) flagrant gender discrimination along with the related “bias and prejudice” principles, as between those two natural parents. Again, it doesn’t matter which is the favored parent and which is the victimized parent, because it’s gender discrimination between them, either way, and violation of equal protection of the laws, either way. The entire family court system, nationwide, is directly and flagrantly unconstitutional, beyond any shadow of doubt, and therefore every State and Commonwealth must repair its own family court system to comply with real law and rights. (Both of) you already had full custody…”

  6. Here are some Case Law Chillie regarding Parental Rights from the Supreme Court, hope this helps your audience.

    The following text of "Constitutional Rights of Parents" has been reproduced from: P.A.C.E.

    The Constitutional Rights of Parents: Nearly A Century of Consistency in the U.S. Supreme Court

    There are few issues on which the U.S. Supreme Court has spoken so eloquently-and so consistently–as that of parental rights. In 1923 the Court asserted that the 'liberty' protected by the Due Process Clause includes the right of parents to 'establish a home and bring up children' and 'to control the education of their own.' –Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 U.S. 390, 399, 401 (1923)-

    On June 5, 2000, the Court declared that:

    "[I]t cannot now be doubted that the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment protects the fundamental right of parents to make decisions concerning the care, custody, and control of their children." -Troxel v. Granville (530 U.S. 2000, or 120 S.Ct. 2054, or also, 147 L.Ed.2d 49)-

    Fundamental Constitutional rights are accorded a special status in judicial review. The Fourteenth Amendment prohibits the state from depriving any PERSON of 'life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.' The Court has long recognized that the Due Process Clause 'guarantees more than fair process.' -Washington v. Glucksberg, 521 U.S. 702, 719 (1997).-

    It also includes a substantive component that 'provides heightened protection against government interference with certain fundamental rights and liberty interests.' Id., at 720; see also -Reno v. Flores, 507 U.S. 292, 301302 (1993).-

    The level of scrutiny required for state actions that infringe upon fundamental rights is 'strict scrutiny,' which requires the state to show that the infringement serves a 'compelling state interest' and that there is no Constitutionally less offensive way for the state to satisfy this compelling interest.

    There are sweeping–though seldom appreciated–implications of recognizing parental rights as Constitutionally fundamental. Domestic relations courts routinely declare one parent a 'non-custodial parent' and, thereby, deprive him or her of 'the fundamental right of parents to make decisions concerning the care, custody, and control' of their children. This practice has 'a real and appreciable impact on, and constitutes a significant interference with,' the exercise of a fundamental Constitutional right. Therefore, 'it cannot now be doubted that' such a determination interferes with a fundamental constitutional right.

    As a result, the practice must receive the strict scrutiny guaranteed by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. This is true regardless of whether the interference with the right is permanent or temporary, pendente lite. The Court has held that the deprivation of fundamental liberty rights 'for even minimal periods of time, unquestionably constitutes irreparable injury.' -Elrod v. Burns, 96 S.Ct. 2673; 427 U.S. 347, (1976).-

    Under the strict scrutiny standard, such a deprivation of rights must occur only when there is a compelling state interest served by interfering with these rights and there is no more Constitutionally benign way to achieve this compelling state interest.

    While it is uncontroversial that, under the Parens Patria Doctrine, the state has a compelling interest in preventing harm to children, this interest is not sufficient to Constitutionally justify the infringement in question. The state must show that there is no method of achieving this state objective that is less offensive to the Constitution than that of routinely depriving one parent of these fundamental rights. Where there is clear and convincing evidence that, in the specific case, the retention of parental rights by both parents would compromise a compelling state interest, the state may be justified in restricting the parental rights of one, or both, parents. However, where both parents are fit, there will normally be no reason for a state to deprive one of custodial rights.

    As the Court declared in Troxel:

    "So long as a parent adequately cares for his or her children (i.e., is fit), there will normally be no reason for the State to inject itself into the private realm of the family to further question the ability of that parent to make the best decisions concerning the rearing of that parent's children." -Troxel, op. cit.-

    The implication of this is that, to be Constitutionally sound, state law must contain a strong legal presumption of joint legal custody of minor children upon the divorce of the parents

  7. The American Bar Association is under contract with the child support agency, you would get better use out of your money if you flushed it down a toilet than to pay an attorney to represent you in family court. Your attorney wants you in the child support agency because of the federal funds from Title IV-D and CPS gets money from Title IV-E federal funds. Family Court is all about contracts.

  8. They will not do nothing around here unless you got money I just wish somebody would bust them out the way they sell our kids to the rich people we got rich people around here is got two or three for kids up in the house with them and drawing all that money off of them I wish you would come to our town or send somebody that cared as much as you that's really hard to find

  9. They sell our kids around here I seen that one but they were stealing people's cars and putting them on The Auction Block they do our kids around here they still your kids and put them on The Auction Block if you don't believe it come here find out yourself everybody in this town needs help with their kids they don't ask because they will be taken they will take your kid and draw money off of it in the system when DHS opens up a case around here they will not let you go as long as you have a open case they make money

  10. If you don't bleed guilty to the made-up charges around here they will take your babies they will take your babies up to the option a rich person will come along by your baby and turnaround draw checks on your baby they've been stealing our kids 4 years around here and won't nobody stand-up with us you won't believe how many kids they got in the system around here and it's not because their mom and dad don't love them and don't want to be with him they selling their kids just like the slavery days everybody's kids is up to grab around here

  11. A friend of mine who has brain cancer an is very ill who has 6 kids an has had them since birth has to fight for custody an can not get cash assistance to help him till his fight for ssd is over which takes a long time so he is being made to work an has to fight for rights for his own children who lives w him their mom left jus left an dont help at all I have helped him get birthday gifts an Christmas ect for his own children yet can not sign his children up to attend school or get a driver's license anything for those kids yet if they don't attend school or pay a fine for one he would be placed in jail so if he dont beg his x to come sign for the kids dewy then goes to jail I will never understand ohios bullshit laws

  12. Chili you're an amazing guy I really mean that you're shedding light on things that I've suffered with throughout my life and what this young man's talking about right now I went through to I no longer have to pay child support I'm past that age I'm pretty much retired at this point way to go man you're an All-Star

  13. Well get out of the system that's what you need to do change your status from a us citizen to a American national man and woman we are not employees of the government and state agencies we are just a living man and woman of God change your status and claim your birth certificate bond and put it in a living trust as a Business

  14. We are not entitled to pay child support for anything and if we want to pay use a money order to the mother's it's us to us man and woman of God to understand what the States are doing to man and woman

  15. The man – the real victim looks to be of old American and or Early American stock. He is a bit scruffy but how not to be when the state and what looks to be local authorities are pretty much raping him of all his goods? His children too. Men like this are the foundation of America folks and once his kind are gone you will not want to live here.

  16. Cps and laws need to change and a man's rights should be the man actually buys the goods and items so women can't go buy for themselves and party on that money allowed for the children , some women don't spend it on the children then accuse the man of not paying child support …..the system needs to intervene with law that allows the man to buy clothing food and necessary items for the health And welfare of the child or children. System as it is stinks……

  17. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency first by inflation then by deflation the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered… I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies… The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs.

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