CPS BOMBSHELL 2moro Night PROOF Of Corruption + Full Exposure tomorrow.

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32 thoughts on “CPS BOMBSHELL 2moro Night PROOF Of Corruption + Full Exposure tomorrow.”

  1. CPS is nothing but a child sex-trafficing operation! They take children and intentionally place them in compromising positions, making them more accessible to sexual predators, and pedophiles! And the so called " law enforcement" thugs are in league with these corrupt agencies! THATS WHY PEOPLE HATE, AND NO ONE TRUSTS PIGS; OR SNY GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE!

  2. 37 minutes of "I'm wonderful".
    No Into about CPS.
    If you were really that good, you'd get your 'client's to sign release forms so you can access the FPS records & then take the time to review them.
    But you won't.
    Can you say "grifter"?

  3. Signing the recall only applies to people in that Ohio area, right? Why in the world would anyone ever want to move to Ironton!? It sounds like an incredibly horrible place.

  4. Sometimes I feel you can't help since about half of the people in the United States are either ignorants of the Constitution or 🥾'👅, therefore the Government will always have the power to violate your rights.

  5. THIS SHOULD’VE HAPPENED LONG TIME AGO!! It happened to ME! They STOLE MY KIDS and said it was Bcause of”UNSAFE HOUSING” all Because I had my kids sharing One Bedroom! And they KNEW I was getting a BIGGER PLACE and Came the DAY BEFORE&STOLE THEM! Even came across STATE LINES& Took My Baby I was pregnant with sayin it was Bcause they”Had my other kids”

  6. This has been goin on for a very LONG TIME NOW! It happened to ME! And their claims was Bcause of “UNSAFE HOUSING” all Bcause I Had all My kids sharing a Bedroom for a LIMITED TIME & they KNEW THIS. And came and STOLE THEM from Me the DAY BEFORE I GOT A BIGGER PLACE!

  7. I HAVE BEEN COMMENTING AND EMAILING YOU! NORTH EAST OHIO DUDE! I HAVE BEEN SAYING THIS TO YOU FOR MONTHS!!! I can probably show you a great place to get a fight sponsored too!!! GET A HOLD OF ME!!!

  8. I have lost all of my children to Lawrence County CPS. My soul died August 12,2016… Now I am just waiting for my body to catch up. Because my house isn't a multi million dollar mansion, they took my babies. I was told lies, harassed, humiliated, and was beaten because of lies and false allegations that CPS made up against me. I never got the papers when they took them. They told me to sign something, said that I didn't need to read or, that it was just a paper saying that I appeared in court that day… A few weeks later, the drunks and pedophile they placed my children with, they were adopted. I can't see them, talk to them, hold them… They lied and told me my children are terrified of me. I literally am dead inside. I have no hope left. I just want my body to catch up with my soul.

  9. He is a bigger boot licker than the very ones he is calling corrupt! He is stealing your money people! Stop freely giving your money to this charlatan! He could care less about you. He is a narcissistic, maniacal charlatan who only cares about his pockets being fattened by people who claim to have been wronged. His so called facts are baseless! Think about this, ladies and gentlemen, you heard him crying, as they put the "torture cuffs" on him! The VERY thing he is telling you to absolutely not let the police do to you because it is against your rights, (so as you're resisting them cuffs and digging a more painful, exponentially more painful hole for yourself), he cave and let them do to him after a little whimpering around. Where was his balls as I heard those cuffs click several times off camera? Where was his balls as they led him down the hall off camera and threw him into the "dungeon". And you mean to tell me, this guy is telling you how you don't have to comply??? I mean, I know the rest of you heard him whimpering around like a little girl when they stuffed, cuffed and locked him away. I truly expected to see him come out of the Lawrence County Jail, all bloodied and bruised from putting up the kind of fight he is telling you to put up! He is going to get you hurt, physically and financially! Stop listening to this flaming blowhard!!! For the love of Pete!!!

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