Crooked Cop Sent Innocent Girl To Prison For 2 Years | Was NOT Fired!

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48 thoughts on “Crooked Cop Sent Innocent Girl To Prison For 2 Years | Was NOT Fired!”

  1. " There is not One single police officer in America that I am not afraid of and not one that I would trust to tell the truth or obey the laws they are sworn to uphold. I do not believe they protect me in any way."
    – Henry Rollins

  2. We should all take note – this is merely the beginning. If they can do this to an innocent, traumatized, victim of war who came here believing she would be safe – then how long is it going to be before everyone born here becomes one of their victims?
    Nobody is safe from this crap. Our government has become as evil as we believed "commies" were back in the 50s and 60s.
    We, the people, MUST fight back now, before it's too late. And we're all wondering how did we get to this sorry state of affairs.
    We're already half way there people!

  3. There needs to be an executive order that changes the laws on qualified immunity, federal law, and protections for prosecutors/defense attorneys that are corrupt.

    Also, that officer deserves prison.

  4. This is crazy. Pay to prosecute this poor girl and pay to defend her on trumped up charges. WOW! The government is going to make money one way or another off the backs of innocent Americans

  5. Narcissists lie. Period. You will never get the truth from a narcissist. The closest you will come is a fabricated story that either makes them a victim or hero. One thing they will never admit to is mistakes or being an intentional vindictive villain.

  6. Your guest is right about the media underreporting these abuses of power. That conniving cop put 33 innocent refugees, in prison. By lying. At least one was a minor. All to protect her informant, whose cover would have been blown anyway. The 20 complaints against her and still no accountability, Judges are fed up with having to deal with the fallout. Still no accountability. It's ridiculous that the survivors of her abusive conduct, cannot get redress through the courts, because of a law that protects and rewards the abuser, and puts innocent people in prison. It needs to be fixed. The Government, the DOJ, need to fix the problem they created. If Federal agencies are going to deputise cops to gather information, they need to be held accountable if the cop turns out to be a prolific fantasist and a pathological liar. Thankyou John for bringing your guest on.

  7. The real crime is her chief still employing her, he clearly knows she is a criminal in uniform and he's still backing her up.
    Systemic corruption, how do you work with these people and not come to realize that being corrupt is a way to keep your job.?

  8. End qualified Immunity, PERIOD!!!
    There needs to be a point/grade based National registry for all members of law enforcement.
    All law enforcement officers should also be required to carry malpractice insurance paid out of pocket.
    No insurance, no job,no gypsy cop.
    The registry will give the insurance company a scale of whether they will cover an officer or not.
    The insurance will pay out lawsuits, instead of the taxpayer.
    Kind of like the States, and car insurance companies do.
    That's how it's set up for us truck drivers.
    Too many points suspend/revoke your license.
    Too many points and the insurance will drop your coverage.
    Either one or both make us un-hireable .
    Share this everywhere!!
    Signed, Matthew M.Wayer.

  9. What a scumbag. why wasn't she charged with perjury. We need a division in the local county state and federal governments that deal with bad cops and only bad cops because our city and county and state and federal governments are far FAR to friendly with cops and won't prosecute them

  10. There is a special place in hell for her for preying upon Somali children.

    For years, St. Paul police officer Heather Weyker was swamped. She gathered evidence, cultivated witnesses, filled out the police reports, testified under oath—all in connection with an interstate sex trafficking ring run by Somali refugees. But perhaps most impressive is that she did all that while fabricating the same ring she was investigating, which resulted in 30 indictments, 9 trials, and 0 convictions.

  11. It’s all theatre, cops get away with it because they’re supposed to by design. If y’all think it’ll change in any other way than worse than I got some snake oil to sell you

  12. Disgusting – these officers need to be held to a higher standard considering they are LE. Appalling & this is exactly why cops are hated. This example shows you exactly why LE, legal & judicial systems are all bent. Cops lie & sadly are never held to account. Shameful. If people lie they get jailed why are cops never held to account. Why are the judicial system bending over backwards to defend lying cops when it is clear as day what they have done? The US needs to remove QI & hold federal officers to account too. This is so bad.

  13. Karma is a funny thing. I believe in Karma and I’ve seen it work…a number of times. Years after the events of evil, the cop will be living the good life and when it looks like smooth sailing she will begin to relax thinking all that is behind her and BOOM something horrible or an awful accident to her and it will ruin her life or even someone close to her. They always get theirs in the end.

  14. Bad bad bad bad I hope when you're finally charged Miss officer that you get life without parole literally you took probably more than one person and sent them to jail for a long time, that is unacceptable

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