A dog that is trained with treats and or given treats after doing said task should immediately be considered biased, and thusly may lead their bias to do said task.
This is why I have multiple (5) hidden micro spy cameras in my vehicle that have continuous recording. This way, if they violate my constitutional rights or plant false evidence, it's recorded on each camera's sd card and to the cloud. I also have a 3 camera dashcam as well as my own bodycam. If their freaking damages any part of my vehicle, I will sue for repairs and rental car.
Anybody old enough to have watched the Johnny Carson show knows that you can never trust a dog to perform properly even under the best of circumstances
You are lying you are bald-faced line if the dog parks that's not probable cause to arrest you it just probably cause to search your car not saying I agree with that because drug sniffing dogs are not very accurate I think they're only right about 30% of the time but still you are lying by saying that you can be arrested because the dog parked at your car that's a lie
It's always been probable cause even if the dog farted they'll arrest you. It's the goal of being a police officer to advance their career. And sad thing is the department doesn't even evaluate the cops actions out on the street but just the number of arrests. And that's got to change, they're like used car salesman getting commission for the sale. And that's dangerous and incompetent and all blame lies on the governor of each state. For they're the head of the snake.
cops use "silent commands" to instigate a search. the dog will bark upon seeing silent commands. it's completely lying on the cops' part, but they don't care, they are just there to harass The People.
There's nothing cops do, that you can't do for yourself. Disband all police departments…
This is the way it is because people in government have completely forgot what it’s like to be a private citizen if they ever knew. They look down on you
Set at 7:20 they're going to just pull people over have the dog bark and arrest everyone and seize their vehicles to the impound. We do live in a communistic country people just don't know it yet
So I'm gonna citizens arrest everyone that pulls in my driveway and my dog barks. How stupid some judges are. And they're supposed to be the line between your rights and the government??? Give me a break.
I’m 59 and I’ve been around dogs my entire life. In fact, my parents used to breed Gordon Setters for many years when I was a kid and even after high school. Dogs can be trained to do almost anything, using nearly any kind of command—and it sure as hell doesn’t have to be a verbal communication between human and canine to evoke a response from the animal.
This case needs to be overturned. Canine experts, zoologists, breeders, even veterinarians need to get involved here to have this unconscionable, tyrannical practice thrown out, never to see the light of day again.
I'm going through similar. Except dog went around my car, almost got hit. Took off after a bird,but once I was put in front of the police dashcam,the K9 officer hit my door and the dog sat. Oh K 9 didn't have bodycam on.. a lot more to the story. After 53min. Detainment,and every officer on duty for the city showed,I was issued a warning for following to close. I was originally told I was pulled over for touching the white line. Going to sue them AGAIN.
Imo dogs shouldnt be in police work at all. The dog cant understand that its life is in danger almost all the time on that job and theyre killed/injured frequently. Its animal abuse and just another way to get an extra charge should someone attempt to get the dog biting holes in their flesh off of them.
Dogs will alert on other animals that have been in a car whenever the handler gives the dog a command to alert saying that is probable cause , really it's retaliation because you denied consent to search , so they use these rules of commerce to act as if it's a loophole to bypass due process, which is a going out the to violate their office and someone's constitutional rights
The people are the final word via constitutional law not the servant branches are not they simply rule
A dog that is trained with treats and or given treats after doing said task should immediately be considered biased, and thusly may lead their bias to do said task.
This is why I have multiple (5) hidden micro spy cameras in my vehicle that have continuous recording. This way, if they violate my constitutional rights or plant false evidence, it's recorded on each camera's sd card and to the cloud. I also have a 3 camera dashcam as well as my own bodycam.
If their freaking damages any part of my vehicle, I will sue for repairs and rental car.
I sincerely hope you make changes for the future of American citizens.
So what happens when the dog barks and there's nothing in the vehicle?? What can you do
Anybody old enough to have watched the Johnny Carson show knows that you can never trust a dog to perform properly even under the best of circumstances
Therefore; if I am within my car and a dog barks at it, the office would need a warrant to search my car? Anyone.
Founding fathers rolling… hell, doing cartwheels, in their graves.
You are lying you are bald-faced line if the dog parks that's not probable cause to arrest you it just probably cause to search your car not saying I agree with that because drug sniffing dogs are not very accurate I think they're only right about 30% of the time but still you are lying by saying that you can be arrested because the dog parked at your car that's a lie
That's not what the Facebook lawyers are saying. I KNOW MY RIGHTS.
When someone scratches my back I start barking
And then she laughs when they ask her if she smoke marijuana but look a dog sniffed and barked

Now that's FUCK up
Your a clown
It's always been probable cause even if the dog farted they'll arrest you. It's the goal of being a police officer to advance their career. And sad thing is the department doesn't even evaluate the cops actions out on the street but just the number of arrests. And that's got to change, they're like used car salesman getting commission for the sale. And that's dangerous and incompetent and all blame lies on the governor of each state. For they're the head of the snake.
But they still have to get a warrant to search now that they have probable cause.
What if you have your own dog in the car , cant you say the dogs were just saying hello to each other.

cops use "silent commands" to instigate a search. the dog will bark upon seeing silent commands. it's completely lying on the cops' part, but they don't care, they are just there to harass The People.
There's nothing cops do, that you can't do for yourself. Disband all police departments…
They prob are already behind the curtain training dogs to bark at anything anyways
Supreme Court idiots
Dog barking is ?? Probable cause ..???
This is the way it is because people in government have completely forgot what it’s like to be a private citizen if they ever knew. They look down on you
Set at 7:20 they're going to just pull people over have the dog bark and arrest everyone and seize their vehicles to the impound. We do live in a communistic country people just don't know it yet
Love your videos, well most of them… But hate your lil boy haircut lol
So I'm gonna citizens arrest everyone that pulls in my driveway and my dog barks. How stupid some judges are. And they're supposed to be the line between your rights and the government??? Give me a break.
Seriously Americans are dumb how did we allow tax to get so high and lose so many rights
Thanks for this reminder Chilli
Back in the day they would have been "legally arrested" for witchcraft, for communication with a familiar!
That bark needs overturned
I’m 59 and I’ve been around dogs my entire life. In fact, my parents used to breed Gordon Setters for many years when I was a kid and even after high school. Dogs can be trained to do almost anything, using nearly any kind of command—and it sure as hell doesn’t have to be a verbal communication between human and canine to evoke a response from the animal.
This case needs to be overturned. Canine experts, zoologists, breeders, even veterinarians need to get involved here to have this unconscionable, tyrannical practice thrown out, never to see the light of day again.
I'm going through similar. Except dog went around my car, almost got hit. Took off after a bird,but once I was put in front of the police dashcam,the K9 officer hit my door and the dog sat. Oh K 9 didn't have bodycam on.. a lot more to the story. After 53min. Detainment,and every officer on duty for the city showed,I was issued a warning for following to close. I was originally told I was pulled over for touching the white line. Going to sue them AGAIN.
Back in the 60s I was told by a teacher if you have a policed country you will have a communist country.

Imo dogs shouldnt be in police work at all. The dog cant understand that its life is in danger almost all the time on that job and theyre killed/injured frequently. Its animal abuse and just another way to get an extra charge should someone attempt to get the dog biting holes in their flesh off of them.
Sonic bark deterrent devices are going to sell well …
Dogs may be the gay or he's scared by the trainers
Why is America so W.T.F…?
Laws need to change.
Cops will give the dog signal to make a false hit and bark.
"You can be arrested if a dog barks at you"
No, it just gives the officers probable cause to search your car
The dog should take the stand since we have a right to face our accusers
Dogs will alert on other animals that have been in a car whenever the handler gives the dog a command to alert saying that is probable cause , really it's retaliation because you denied consent to search , so they use these rules of commerce to act as if it's a loophole to bypass due process, which is a going out the to violate their office and someone's constitutional rights