DELETELAWZ customer is a Traveler; Listen to this! Impressive. Good luck man! Right to Travel

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25 thoughts on “DELETELAWZ customer is a Traveler; Listen to this! Impressive. Good luck man! Right to Travel”

  1. This is hilarious. Mr Lawz is the one totally confused with the Constitution and the Law. Says a lot about the American education system that people don't understand the term "employed" and believe it only to mean receiving money for doing something – like driving. 😂😂 Your Right to Travel has nothing to do with driving a car. Still it's very entertaining on YouTube at least.

  2. Never heard so much bullshit in my life. Two deranged individuals sharing their delusions. Cute till some other deluded and easily influenced individual falls for this load of crap. Selling their stupidity and racism, pretty sad really. Jose Maria DeCastro, you have filed how many lawsuits? And won zero. Everything you spout is a scam for clicks, views and YT money or donations from the few people who are gullible enough to believe your crap.
    PS, that fool aint won no lawsuit from the police and he wont see a dime of any million dollar lien on his impounded truck. He has a fraudulent plate that will get every vehicle he's driving (yes, driving, cause your dumb ass aint traveling) impounded and towed. He does not have a valid license he bought from some other scam artist. Both of you are crooks and idiots and your future is 3 cots and a hot daily for a long time. Then you can scam your fellow inmates for cigarettes or ramen noodles. Stop it Chilito, this is beyond funny. Quit harassing everyone you encounter. Stop pretending you are educated or intelligent and get some help. Sincerely dude, if you dont change your ways, you are gonna mess with the wrong guy, and this game of fuck around and find out, is gonna get you hurt. And at this point in your deluded ramblings online, there are a lot of people who are waiting anxiously to see it happen. You have no where to go, you own nothing, no family or friends who claim you anymore, and it's this kind of stupid shit that is the reason why. The only time you have won in court is when you won protection orders to stay away from the women you have harmed.
    You are not a constitutional law scholar, you do not know the law, you do not have a clue how court works, you cant hold a job, or maintain a business of any kind. You were not a wrestler, not a producer, not an actor, not a business man, not an activist, and you do not understand the first thing about the constitution or even one of the amendments. You have never helped anyone out who needed help. You dont give to anyone that needs help, you dont turn over the few dollars you do manage to raise for others. You grift off others for attorney fees and court costs yet represent yourself and you never win in court against your charges. You did prison time for making and selling date rape drugs and lie to everyone about it. It's been proven and the evidence has been public and shown. You have active warrants in several states. You have active protection orders (lifetime orders even) against you, also proven and shown. You are a felon who cannot own or carry a firearm, but actively possess and travel with a gun. And you daily show publicly videos of you driving and using your cell phone, which is not only illegal but very dangerous. You are a giant turd and you are circling the toilet bowl…..society has flushed the toilet and you are going down. So Im giving you some very honest and good advise, stop this foolishness now.
    But I know I am wasting my time and energy and some last ditch to care about what happens to you, cause you are bent on claiming you know what you are doing and that you are right. But honey, you just arent.

  3. ❤ Absolutely precious.. Did he DEMAND gold and silver as payment vs Corporation paper or Securities paper. Remember Gold and silver is the only REAL PAYMENT..
    ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS, Citizens waking up😂

    Just wondering if A PCC is filed under Title 18ss 242 for the First blue line Gangsters and 241 for all the rest that showed after the First Terrorists ran his/her/its mouth

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