Dirty Cop Quits – Gets Sued and Criminally Prosecuted

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35 thoughts on “Dirty Cop Quits – Gets Sued and Criminally Prosecuted”

  1. I don't think a 50,000 lawsuits enough for that settlement I would I wouldn't let my wife settle for that it take him to court and I made sure that man lost his job before he started selling drugs or steezing drugs and giving them away to his girlfriend that could have all been prevented by getting rid of them right when it happened

  2. Respect, to the other cop for stepping in and stopping that clown of a "cop" for violating this poor woman. 50k isn't enough by any means! This is why cameras are majorly important! Again respect to the other cop and as for the dick that violated this woman shame on him he should of know better just from a moral stand point.

  3. Bad cops don't turn into model citizens….. Once they get away with a crime they go on to commit more crimes.
    This cop is probably working at another department violating people rights.

  4. That was heartbreaking. I mean I get you’re training but you should know better a badge doesn’t give you the right to touch someone like that. That’s for the jail to handle IF they even end up going to jail and even then I personally don’t agree with strip searches having had to go through that myself it is a bit humiliating for both parties.

  5. I don’t give a damm if he’s new as a man you know not to touch a woman like that it’s not lack of training that a sick officer who’s a pervert I feel for the female that is so sad that happened to her thank goodness for the other kind officer the guy should have been charged for sexual assault and off the force

  6. Officer Tyler Gelnett, fired for stealing weed after previously sexually assaulting this poor woman can always get a job as a TSA agent where sexual assault is part of the job and stealing people's weed is a fringe benefit.

  7. The way that training officer handled the situation was honorable, respectful, and completely admirable. I feel horrible for him and especially for this woman. Both of them were put in a really horrifying situation because of greenhorn grabby out there.

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